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pantaphobia — Absolute fearlessness. [pant + G. a priv. + phobos, fear] * * * pan·ta·pho·bia .pant ə fō bē ə, .pant .ā n total absence of fear … Medical dictionary
pantaphobia — A fear of lack of fear … Grandiloquent dictionary
Anxiety — Anxiety and phobic thinking may be normal emotions, distinct clusters of symptoms ( syndromes *), or diseases in the sense of distinct illness entities. In psychoanalysis, anxiety is used as a theoretical term, the presumed unconscious… … Historical dictionary of Psychiatry
Anxiety and Phobias — Anxiety and phobic thinking may be normal emotions, distinct clusters of symptoms ( syndromes *), or diseases in the sense of distinct illness entities. In psychoanalysis, anxiety is used as a theoretical term, the presumed unconscious… … Historical dictionary of Psychiatry