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Kenosis — is a Greek word for emptiness, which is used as a theological term. The ancient Greek word κένωσις kénōsis means an emptying , from κενός kenós empty . The word is mainly used, however, in a Christian theological context, for example Philippians… … Wikipedia
Kenosis — • A term derived from the discussion as to the real meaning of Phil. 2:6 Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Kenosis Kenosis † … Catholic encyclopedia
Kenosis — (κένωσις, griechisch: „Leerwerden“, „Entäußerung“) ist das Substantiv zu dem von Paulus im Brief an die Philipper gebrauchten Verb ἐκένωσεν (ekenosen), „er entäußerte sich“ (Phil. 2, 7). Über Jesus Christus ausgesagt, bedeutet der Begriff den… … Deutsch Wikipedia
kenosis — (n.) from Gk. kenosis an emptying, from kenoein to empty, from PIE *ken empty. From Phil. ii:7. Related: Kenotic … Etymology dictionary
kenosis — [kə nō′sis] n. [Gr kenōsis, an emptying < kenos, empty] Christian Theol. the voluntary self abasement of the second person of the Trinity in becoming human kenotic [kinät′ik] adj … English World dictionary
kenosis — noun Etymology: Late Greek kenōsis, from Greek, action of emptying, from kenoun to purge, empty, from kenos empty Date: 1873 the relinquishment of divine attributes by Jesus Christ in becoming human • kenotic adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
kenosis — kenotic /ki not ik/, adj. /ki noh sis/, n. Theol. the doctrine that Christ relinquished His divine attributes so as to experience human suffering. [1835 45; < Gk kénosis an emptying (keno , var. s. of kenoûn to empty out, drain + sis SIS)] * * * … Universalium
Kenosis — Ke|no|sis 〈f.; ; unz.; Theol.〉 = Kenose * * * Ke|no|sis [auch: kɛn...], die; [griech. kénōsis = Entleerung, zu: keneĩn = entleeren, zu: kenós = leer]: theologische Auffassung, dass Christus bei der Menschwerdung auf die Ausübung seiner göttlichen … Universal-Lexikon
Kenosis — Ke|no|sis [auch kɛ...] die; <aus gr. kénōsis »Entleerung«> theologische Auffassung, dass Christus bei der Menschwerdung auf die Ausübung seiner göttlichen Eigenschaften verzichtet habe (Philipper 2,6 ff.) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
kenosis — [kɪ nəʊsɪs] noun (in Christian theology) the full or partial renunciation of his divine nature by Christ in the Incarnation. Derivatives kenotic adjective Origin C19: from Gk kenōsis an emptying , from kenoein to empty , with biblical allusion… … English new terms dictionary
kenosis — ke•no•sis [[t]kɪˈnoʊ sɪs[/t]] n. rel the doctrine that Christ relinquished His divine attributes so as to experience human suffering • Etymology: 1835–45; < Gk kénōsis an emptying, =kenō , var. s. of kenoûn to empty out, drain, der. of kenós… … From formal English to slang