- bit player
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
bit player — bit .player n someone who is not important and who has little influence in a particular situation ▪ Although he was NRC chairman, Hervey was strictly a bit player in government … Dictionary of contemporary English
bit player — A bit player has a small or unimportant role in something … The small dictionary of idiomes
Bit player — A bit player is an actor who performs in theatrical works in minor roles either as a hobby or to earn a living.The term is also used for aspiring actors who have not yet broken into major (supporting or leading) roles.See also:*bit part… … Wikipedia
bit player — A bit player has a small or unimportant role in something. (Dorking School Dictionary) … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
Bit player — A bit player has a small or unimportant role in something … Dictionary of English idioms
bit player — bit′ play er n. tht sbz an actor having a small speaking part • Etymology: 1935–40 … From formal English to slang
bit player — /ˈbɪt pleɪə/ (say bit playuh) noun Theatre an actor who usually plays bit parts …
bit player — an actor having a very small speaking part in a play, motion picture, etc. [1935 40] * * * … Universalium
bit player — an actor having a very small speaking part in a play, motion picture, etc. [1935 40] … Useful english dictionary
player — [n1] person participating in sport amateur, athlete, champ, competitor, contestant, jock*, member, opponent, participant, pro, professional, rookie, sportsperson, superjock*, sweat*, team player; concept 366 Ant. fan, spectator player [n2] person … New thesaurus