- adjuvant therapy
any secondary treatment for cancer (such as chemotherapy) given after the primary treatment (such as surgery) in order to remove residual microscopic disease
Wikipedia foundation.
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adjuvant therapy — treatment given to patients, usually after surgical removal of their primary tumour when there is known to be a high risk of future tumour recurrence. Adjuvant therapy is aimed at destroying these microscopic tumour cells either locally (e.g.… … Medical dictionary
adjuvant therapy — treatment given to patients, usually after surgical removal of their primary tumour when there is known to be a high risk of future tumour recurrence. Adjuvant therapy is aimed at destroying these microscopic tumour cells either locally (e.g.… … The new mediacal dictionary
adjuvant therapy — Treatment given after the primary treatment to increase the chances of a cure. Adjuvant therapy may include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, or biological therapy … English dictionary of cancer terms
Adjuvant chemotherapy — is a term used to describe the role of chemotherapy relative to other cancer treatments.The terms adjuvant and neoadjuvant have special meanings in oncology. Adjuvant therapy refers to additional treatment, usually given after surgery where all… … Wikipedia
Adjuvant — An adjuvant (from Latin, adiuvare: to aid) is a pharmacological or immunological agent that modifies the effect of other agents, such as a drug or vaccine, while having few if any direct effects when given by itself. They are often included in… … Wikipedia
Adjuvant — The Latin “adjuvans” means to help, particularly to reach a goal. Adjuvant therapy for cancer is surgery followed by chemotherapy or radiation to help decrease the risk of the cancer recurring (coming back). An adjuvant is a substance that helps… … Medical dictionary
Therapy, adjuvant — Treatment that is given in addition to the primary (initial) treatment. Adjuvant treatment is an addition to the primary treatment and is designed to help reach the ultimate goal. Adjuvant therapy for cancer usually refers to surgery followed by… … Medical dictionary
adjuvant Medicine — [ adʒʊv(ə)nt] adjective (of therapy) applied after initial treatment for cancer to suppress secondary tumour formation. noun a substance which enhances the body s immune response to an antigen. Origin C16: from L. adjuvant , adjuvare, from ad… … English new terms dictionary
Терапия Адъювантная, Терапия Вспомогательная (Adjuvant Therapy) — лечение цитотоксическими лекарственными препаратами, назначаемыми больным после хирургического удаления или радиотерапии первичной опухоли, когда в будущем высока вероятность рецидива ее развития из имеющихся в организме человека микрометастазов … Медицинские термины
adjuvant — /aj euh veuhnt/, adj. 1. serving to help or assist; auxiliary. 2. Med. utilizing drugs, radiation therapy, or other means of supplemental treatment following cancer surgery. n. 3. a person or thing that aids or helps. 4. anything that aids in… … Universalium