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imamate — [i mäm′āt΄] n. [see ATE2] 1. the territory ruled by an imam 2. the office or function of an imam … English World dictionary
Imamate — The word Imamate (Arabic: إمامة Transliterated: Imamah) is an Arabic word ( Imam ) with an English language suffix ( ate ) meaning leadership . Its use in theology is confined to the religion of Islam. Theological usage:NOTE: The term Caliphate … Wikipedia
Imamate — noun especially when referring to a specific imamate … Wiktionary
imamate — imam ► NOUN 1) the person who leads prayers in a mosque. 2) (Imam) a title of various Muslim leaders, especially of one succeeding Muhammad as leader of Shiite Islam. DERIVATIVES imamate noun. ORIGIN Arabic, leader … English terms dictionary
imamate — ˌāt noun ( s) Usage: often capitalized 1. : the office of an imam 2. : the region or country ruled over by an imam the imamate of Yemen * * * /i mah mayt/, n … Useful english dictionary
Imamate and Leadership — Imamate and Leadership: Lessons on Islamic Doctrine is a book by Islamic scholar Mujtaba Musavi Lari [ The Online Books Page: Imamate and Leadership: Lessons on Islamic… … Wikipedia
imamate — noun Usage: often capitalized Date: circa 1741 1. the office of an imam 2. the region or country ruled over by an imam … New Collegiate Dictionary
imamate — /i mah mayt/, n. 1. the office of an imam. 2. the region or territory governed by an imam. [1720 30; IMAM + ATE3] * * * … Universalium
imamate — n. office or position of imam; territory or area ruled by an imam … English contemporary dictionary
imamate — imam·ate … English syllables