
adjective /ænθɹɒpəˈmɔɹfɪk/
a) Having the form of a man

The mystic is one to whom the unitive, pantheistic, or at least the panentheistic, aspects of the divinity are as congenial as the deistic, polytheistic, and anthropomorphic aspects are to the institutional mind.

b) given human attributes

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  • Anthropomorphic — An thro*po*mor phic, a. Of or pertaining to anthropomorphism. Hadley. {An thro*po*mor phic*al*ly}, adv. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • anthropomorphic — (adj.) 1827, from ANTHROPOMORPHOUS (Cf. anthropomorphous) + IC (Cf. ic). Originally in reference to regarding God or gods as having human form and human characteristics; of animals and other things from 1858; the sect of the Antropomorfites is… …   Etymology dictionary

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  • anthropomorphic — ► ADJECTIVE 1) attributing human form or feelings to a god, animal, or object. 2) having human characteristics. DERIVATIVES anthropomorphism noun …   English terms dictionary

  • anthropomorphic — [an΄thrə pō΄môr′fik, an΄thrəpəmôr′fik] adj. of, characterized by, or resulting from anthropomorphism anthropomorphically adv …   English World dictionary

  • anthropomorphic — [[t]æ̱nθrəpəmɔ͟ː(r)fɪk[/t]] ADJ Anthropomorphic means relating to the idea that an animal, a god, or an object has feelings or characteristics like those of a human being. ...the anthropomorphic attitude to animals... The world of the gods is… …   English dictionary

  • anthropomorphic — adjective Etymology: Late Latin anthropomorphus of human form, from Greek anthrōpomorphos, from anthrōp + morphos morphous Date: 1827 1. described or thought of as having a human form or human attributes < anthropomorphic deities > 2. ascribing… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • anthropomorphic — anthropomorphically, anthropomorphously, adv. /an threuh peuh mawr fik/, adj. 1. ascribing human form or attributes to a being or thing not human, esp. to a deity. 2. resembling or made to resemble a human form: an anthropomorphic carving. Also,… …   Universalium

  • anthropomorphic — an•thro•po•mor•phic [[t]ˌæn θrə pəˈmɔr fɪk[/t]] also an thro•po•mor′phous adj. 1) ascribing human form or attributes to a thing or a being not human, as to a deity 2) resembling a human form: an anthropomorphic carving[/ex] • Etymology: 1820–30… …   From formal English to slang

  • Anthropomorphic personifications (Discworld) — An anthropomorphic personification is a natural process endowed with human form and personality. In the Discworld fantasy realm created in the novels of the same name by Terry Pratchett, personifications are fully fledged characters whose… …   Wikipedia

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