- Quorn
a) ("the") A fox-hunt (established 1696) in Leicestershire; <!Lifted from Wikipedia page:the Quorn hunt is one of the worlds oldest fox hunting packs, and claims to be the United Kingdoms most famous hunt.
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
Quorn — is the leading brand of mycoprotein food product in the UK [ Management Today magazine, [http://www.clickmt.com/public/news/index.cfm?fuseaction=fulldetails newsUID=d02f4c83 56ef 4353 8fe1 5762642e9d4b article dated 1 March 2004] : Quorn is the… … Wikipedia
Quorn — bezeichnet: einen Fleischersatz: Quorn (Lebensmittel) ein Dorf in Leicestershire: Quorn (Leicestershire) eine Kleinstadt in Südaustralien: Quorn (Australien) Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung m … Deutsch Wikipedia
Quorn™ — f54 [kwɔːn] [kwɔːrn] noun uncountable a substance made from a type of ↑fungus, used in cooking instead of meat Word Origin: [Quorn … Useful english dictionary
Quorn — [kwo:n US kwo:rn] n [U] BrE trademark a vegetable substance that you can use in cooking instead of meat … Dictionary of contemporary English
Quorn® — /kwörn/ noun A vegetable protein composed of minute filaments, derived from a type of fungus, used as a low calorie, cholesterol free meat substitute that absorbs flavours in cooking … Useful english dictionary
Quorn — UK [kwɔː(r)n] US [kwɔrn] trademark british a substance made from a type of fungus that is used in cooking instead of meat http://www.macmillandictionary.com/med2cd/weblinks/qorn.htm Thesaurus: substances used in cookinghyponym … Useful english dictionary
Quorn F.C. — Football club infobox clubname = Quorn fullname = Quorn Football Club nickname = founded = 1924 (as Quorn Methodists) ground = Sutton Park Farley Way, Quorn, Leicestershire capacity = chairman = Stuart Turner manager = Gavin O Toole league =… … Wikipedia
Quorn — De gauche à droite : filet de Quorn frit, dégelé et encore congelé. Quorn est une marque de substituts de viande à base de mycoprotéine. Il est produit à partir du champignon Fusarium venenatum présent à l’état naturel dans le sol. Ce… … Wikipédia en Français
Quorn — I. Quorn™ n [U] a soft whitish food made from a natural protein, used in cooking as an alternative to meat, especially by vegetarians (= people who do not eat meat). II. the Quorn one of Britain’s best known fox hunts (= groups of people who hunt … Universalium
Quorn — Original name in latin Quorn Name in other language Quorn State code AU Continent/City Australia/Adelaide longitude 32.34676 latitude 138.04176 altitude 298 Population 1258 Date 2012 02 28 … Cities with a population over 1000 database