- second cousin once removed
b) Second cousin of one’s father or mother.
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second cousin once removed — 1》 a child of one s second cousin. 2》 one s parent s second cousin. → cousin … English new terms dictionary
second cousin once removed — 1) a child of one s second cousin 2) one s parent s second cousin … Useful english dictionary
second cousin once removed — The child of a second cousin. A relative in the sixth degree according to the civil law method of computing kinship which prevails in most jurisdictions. Anno: 54 ALR2d 1012, § I(b). Often called a third cousin … Ballentine's law dictionary
first cousin once removed — The son or daughter of a cousin german, sometimes loosely called second cousin • • • Main Entry: ↑cousin * * * 1) a child of one s first cousin 2) one s parent s first cousin … Useful english dictionary
first cousin once removed — A child of a first cousin. 54 ALR2d Anno: 54 ALR2d 1012. A relationship in the fifth degree. 23 Am J2d Desc & D § 48. Often called a second cousin … Ballentine's law dictionary
second cousin — The same as first cousin once removed. Re O Mara s Estate, 106 NJ Eq 311, 151 A 67. The child of a first cousin. Anno: 54 ALR2d 1011. A relative in the fifth degree according to the civil law method of computing degrees of kinship which prevails… … Ballentine's law dictionary
cousin — noun 1》 (also first cousin) a child of one s uncle or aunt. 2》 a person of a kindred people or nation. 3》 historical a title formerly used by a sovereign in addressing another sovereign or a noble of their own country. Phrases first cousin once… … English new terms dictionary
removed — adjective Date: circa 1548 1. a. distant in degree of relationship b. of a younger or older generation < a second cousin s child is a second cousin once removed > 2. separate or remote in space, time, or character … New Collegiate Dictionary
removed — adjective a) Separated in time, space, or degree. Steve is my second cousin once removed. b) Of a different generation, older or younger … Wiktionary
cousin — ► NOUN 1) (also first cousin) a child of one s uncle or aunt. 2) a person of a kindred people or nation. ● first cousin once removed Cf. ↑first cousin once removed ● second cousin Cf. ↑ … English terms dictionary