- spasmodic
b) Convulsive; consisting of spasms.
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Spasmodic — Spas mod ic, a. [Gr. ?; ? a convulsion + ? likeness: cf. F. spasmotique.] 1. (Med.) Of or pertaining to spasm; consisting in spasm; occuring in, or characterized by, spasms; as, a spasmodic asthma. [1913 Webster] 2. Soon relaxed or exhausted;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
spasmodic — SPASMÓDIC, Ă, spasmodici, ce, adj. Privitor la spasm, specific spasmului; care se manifestă prin spasme, însoţit de spasme; spastic. – Din fr. spasmodique. Trimis de dante, 25.07.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 SPASMÓDIC adj. (med.) convulsiv, spastic.… … Dicționar Român
Spasmodic — Spas*mod ic, n. (Med.) A medicine for spasm. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
spasmodic — index broken (interrupted), desultory, disjointed, disjunctive (tending to disjoin), intermittent, periodic, sporadic … Law dictionary
spasmodic — (adj.) 1681, from M.L. spasmodicus, from Gk. spasmodes of the nature of a spasm, from spasmos (see SPASM (Cf. spasm)) + odes like … Etymology dictionary
spasmodic — *fitful, convulsive Analogous words: *intermittent, alternate, recurrent, periodic: *irregular, unnatural: *abnormal, aberrant, atypical Contrasted words: *steady, even, constant, equable, uniform: regular, methodical, * … New Dictionary of Synonyms
spasmodic — [adj] twitching, erratic bits and pieces*, changeable, choppy, convulsive, desultory, fitful, fits and starts*, intermittent, irregular, jerky, on again off again*, periodic, shaky, spastic, sporadic, spotty, spurtive, uncertain; concepts 482,530 … New thesaurus
spasmodic — ► ADJECTIVE 1) occurring or done in brief, irregular bursts. 2) of or caused by a spasm or spasms. DERIVATIVES spasmodically adverb … English terms dictionary
spasmodic — [spaz mäd′ik] adj. [ModL spasmodicus < Gr spasm̄odēs < spasmos: see SPASM & OID] 1. of, having the nature of, like, or characterized by a spasm or spasms; sudden, violent, and temporary; fitful; intermittent 2. Rare highly emotional or… … English World dictionary
spasmodic — [[t]spæzmɒ̱dɪk[/t]] ADJ GRADED Something that is spasmodic happens suddenly, for short periods of time, and at irregular intervals. He managed to stifle the spasmodic sobs of panic rising in his throat... My husband s work was so spasmodic. Syn:… … English dictionary
spasmodic — adj. 1 of, caused by, or subject to, a spasm or spasms (a spasmodic jerk; spasmodic asthma). 2 occurring or done by fits and starts (spasmodic efforts). Derivatives: spasmodically adv. Etymology: mod.L spasmodicus f. Gk spasmodes (as SPASM) … Useful english dictionary