- larvacean
Any of various solitary, free-swimming tunicates of the class Larvacea
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
larvacean — ▪ tunicate also called appendicularian any member of a group of transparent tunicates belonging to the class Appendicularia (subphylum Tunicata, phylum Chordata) that live in the open sea. The larvacean s tadpolelike body is made up of a… … Universalium
larvacean — noun any member of the class Larvacea • Hypernyms: ↑tunicate, ↑urochordate, ↑urochord • Member Holonyms: ↑Larvacea, ↑class Larvacea … Useful english dictionary
Larvacea — Taxobox name = Appendicularia regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata subphylum = Urochordata classis = Appendicularia subdivision ranks = Families subdivision = Fritillariidae Kowalevskiidae OikopleuridaeThe Appendicularia, Larvaceans or KiK are a… … Wikipedia
tunicate — /tooh ni kit, kayt , tyooh /, n. 1. Zool. any sessile marine chordate of the subphylum Tunicata (Urochordata), having a saclike body enclosed in a thick membrane or tunic and two openings or siphons for the ingress and egress of water. adj. Also … Universalium
Vetulicolia — Taxobox fossil range = Cambrian regnum = Animalia superphylum = ?Deuterostomia phylum = Vetulicolia phylum authority = Shu, et al. 2001 ordo = Vetulicolida subdivision ranks = Families subdivision = * Didazoonidae * VetulicolidaeVetulicolia is an … Wikipedia
Orientation bibliographique en zoologie — (taxinomie) Sommaire par ordre alphabétique, et : Voir aussi Amphibia Animal (en général) Annelida Arachnida Aves Brachiopoda Bryozoa Cephalochordata Chaetognatha Chelonia Chondrichthyes Cnidaria Croco … Wikipédia en Français
Orientation bibliographique en zoologie (taxinomie) — Sommaire par ordre alphabétique, et : Voir aussi Amphibia Animal (en général) Annelida Arachnida Aves Brachiopoda Bryozoa Cephalochordata Chaetognatha Chelonia Chondrichthyes Cnidaria Crocodilia Crustacea … Wikipédia en Français
Appendicularia — Appendicularia … Wikipedia Español
protochordate — /proh toh kawr dayt/, n. Zool. any of the nonvertebrate chordates, as the tunicates, cephalochordates, and hemichordates. [1890 95; < NL Protochordata name of the group; see PROTO , CHORDATE] * * * ▪ invertebrate any member of either of two … Universalium
class Larvacea — noun small free swimming tunicates; sometimes classified as an order • Syn: ↑Larvacea • Hypernyms: ↑class • Member Holonyms: ↑Urochordata, ↑subphylum Urochordata, ↑Urochorda, ↑ … Useful english dictionary