- epiphenomenon
b) A mental state or process that is an incidental byproduct of physiological events in the brain or nervous system.
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epiphenomenon — (n.) 1706, secondary symptom, from EPI (Cf. epi ) + PHENOMENON (Cf. phenomenon). Plural is epiphenomena. Related: Epiphenomenal … Etymology dictionary
epiphenomenon — ☆ epiphenomenon [ep΄əfə näm′ə nən, ep΄ə fə näm′ənän΄ ] n. pl. epiphenomena [ep΄ifə näm′ənə] [ EPI + PHENOMENON] 1. a phenomenon that occurs with and seems to result from another but has no reciprocal effect or subsequent influence 2. Med. a… … English World dictionary
Epiphenomenon — An epiphenomenon (plural epiphenomena) is a secondary phenomenon that occurs alongside or in parallel to a primary phenomenon. * Medicine In Medicine, an epiphenomenon is a secondary symptom seemingly unrelated to the original disease or disorder … Wikipedia
epiphenomenon — noun (plural epiphenomena) Date: circa 1706 a secondary phenomenon accompanying another and caused by it; specifically a secondary mental phenomenon that is caused by and accompanies a physical phenomenon but has no causal influence itself … New Collegiate Dictionary
epiphenomenon — epiphenomenal, adj. epiphenomenally, adv. /ep euh feuh nom euh non , neuhn/, n., pl. epiphenomena / neuh/, epiphenomenons. 1. Pathol. a secondary or additional symptom or complication arising during the course of a disease. 2. any secondary… … Universalium
epiphenomenon — A symptom appearing during the course of a disease, not of usual occurrence, and not necessarily associated with the disease. * * * epi·phe·nom·e·non .ep i fə näm ə .nän, nən n an accidental or accessory event or process occurring in the course… … Medical dictionary
epiphenomenon — An incidental product of some process, that has no effects of its own. See epiphenomenalism … Philosophy dictionary
epiphenomenon — n. secondary symptom or complication of a disease; secondary phenomenon which results from another … English contemporary dictionary
epiphenomenon — [ˌɛpɪfə nɒmɪnən] noun (plural epiphenomena nə) a secondary effect or phenomenon. ↘Medicine a secondary symptom, occurring simultaneously with a disease or condition but not directly related to it. ↘a mental state regarded as a by product of brain … English new terms dictionary
epiphenomenon — epi·phenomenon … English syllables