- killifish
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killifish — ☆ killifish [kil′ē] n. pl. killies [kil′i fish΄ ] n. KILLIFISH or killifishes (see FISH) killifish [killie, killifish (< KILL2 + IE) + FISH] any of a family (Cyprinodontidae, order Atheriniformes) … English World dictionary
Killifish — Kil li*fish , n. (Zo[ o]l.) Any one of several small American cyprinodont fishes of the genus {Fundulus} and allied genera. They live equally well in fresh and brackish water, or even in the sea. They are usually striped or barred with black.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Killifish — A killifish is any of various tiny, oviparous (egg laying) cyprinodontiform fish (including families Aplocheilidae, Cyprinodontidae, Fundulidae, Nothobranchiidae, Profundulidae, Rivulidae and Valenciidae). All in all there are some 1270 different … Wikipedia
killifish — /kil ee fish /, n., pl. (esp. collectively) killifish, (esp. referring to two or more kinds or species) killifishes. 1. any of several small, oviparous cyprinodont fishes, esp. of the genus Fundulus, found in salt, brackish, and fresh waters. 2.… … Universalium
killifish — Minnow Min now, n. [OE. menow, cf. AS. myne; also OE. menuse, OF. menuise small fish; akin to E. minish, minute.] [Written also {minow}.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) A small European fresh water cyprinoid fish ({Phoxinus l[ae]vis}, formerly… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
killifish — noun Etymology: killie killifish (perhaps from 3kill) + fish Date: 1836 1. any of a family (Cyprinodontidae) of numerous small oviparous fishes much used as bait and in mosquito control 2. any of various live bearers (family Poeciliidae) … New Collegiate Dictionary
killifish — /ˈkɪlifɪʃ/ (say kileefish) noun (plural killifish or killifishes) any of numerous small fishes of the American family Cyprinodontidae found chiefly in fresh or brackish waters of warm regions. {probably kill + i 1 + fish1} Usage: For variation in …
killifish — kil·li·fish (kilґe fish) a fish of the genus Fundulus … Medical dictionary
killifish — n. small fish (like the minnow) that lives both in fresh and briny water (used as an aquarium fish, as bait and in mosquito control) … English contemporary dictionary
killifish — [ kɪlɪfɪʃ] noun (plural same or killifishes) a small, typically brightly coloured fish of fresh or brackish water, mainly native to America. [Families Cyprinodontidae and Poeciliidae: many species.] Origin C19: appar. from kill and fish1 … English new terms dictionary