- linear equation
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
Linear equation — Linear Lin e*ar (l[i^]n [ e]*[ e]r), a. [L. linearis, linearius, fr. linea line: cf. F. lin[ e]aire. See 3d {Line}.] 1. Of or pertaining to a line; consisting of lines; in a straight direction; lineal. [1913 Webster] 2. (Bot.) Like a line;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
linear equation — n. an algebraic equation whose variable quantity or quantities are in the first power only and whose graph is a straight line (Ex.: 2x + 3y 5 = 0) … English World dictionary
Linear equation — A linear equation is an algebraic equation in which each term is either a constant or the product of a constant and (the first power of) a single variable.Linear equations can have one, two, three or more variables. Linear equations occur with… … Wikipedia
linear equation — Math. 1. a first order equation involving two variables: its graph is a straight line in the Cartesian coordinate system. 2. any equation such that the sum of two solutions is a solution, and a constant multiple of a solution is a solution. Cf.… … Universalium
linear equation — tiesinė lygtis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. linear equation vok. lineare Gleichung, f rus. линейное уравнение, n pranc. équation linéaire, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
linear equation — noun a polynomial equation of the first degree • Hypernyms: ↑equation … Useful english dictionary
linear equation — noun Date: 1816 an equation of the first degree in any number of variables … New Collegiate Dictionary
linear equation — noun an equation between two variables that gives a straight line when plotted on a graph … English new terms dictionary
linear equation — lin′ear equa′tion n. math. a first order equation involving two variables: its graph is a straight line in the Cartesian coordinate system … From formal English to slang
linear equation — /lɪniər əˈkweɪʒən/ (say lineeuhr uh kwayzhuhn) noun an equation, all of whose variables are in the first degree …