Frumenty — (sometimes furmity , fromity , or fermenty ) was a popular dish in Western European medieval cuisine. It was made primarily from boiled, cracked wheat. Different recipes added milk, eggs or broth. Other recipes include almonds, currants, rum,… … Wikipedia
Frumenty — (a veces denominado también furmity) fue un alimento muy popular en Europa durante la Edad Medieval. Consistía en un alimento cocido (una especie de porridge) a base de granos de trigo (la etimología de la palabra ya dice cuál era el ingrediente… … Wikipedia Español
Frumenty — Fru men*ty, n. [OF. froment[ e]e, fr. L. frumentum. See {Frumentaceous}.] Food made of hulled wheat boiled in milk, with sugar, plums, etc. [Written also {furmenty} and {furmity}.] Halliwell. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
frumenty — [fro͞o′mən tē] n. [ME frumente < OFr frumentée < L frumentum: see FRUMENTACEOUS] an English dish consisting of hulled wheat boiled in milk, sweetened, and flavored with spice … English World dictionary
Frumenty — A dish of wheat, hulled or husked, then boiled in milk with spices such as cinnamon and sugar. Venison with frumenty is one dish of the period … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
frumenty — also furmity noun (plural ties) Etymology: Middle English frumente, furmente, from Anglo French furmenté, from furment, frument grain, from Latin frumentum, from frui to enjoy more at brook Date: 14th century a dish of wheat boiled in milk and… … New Collegiate Dictionary
frumenty — /frooh meuhn tee/, n. Brit. Dial. a dish of hulled wheat boiled in milk and seasoned with sugar, cinnamon, and raisins. [1350 1400; ME frumentee < OF, equiv. to frument grain ( < L frumentum) + ee Y3] * * * … Universalium
frumenty — North Country (Newcastle) Words a dish made of bruised wheat or barley, boiled with milkd, and seasoned with sugar and spices … English dialects glossary
frumenty — n. boiled wheat porridge seasoned with cinnamon and sugar (also furmenty) … English contemporary dictionary
frumenty — [ fru:m(ə)nti] (also furmety) noun Brit. an old fashioned dish consisting of hulled wheat boiled in milk and seasoned with cinnamon and sugar. Origin ME: from OFr. frumentee, from frument, from L. frumentum corn … English new terms dictionary