- trio sonata
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Trío sonata — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda La trío sonata es una forma musical que fue particularmente popular durante los Siglos XVII y XVIII. Una trío sonata está escrita para dos instrumentos melódicos solistas y bajo continuo, haciendo las tres partes un… … Wikipedia Español
trio sonata — Principal chamber music genre of the Baroque era. Despite its name, it requires four performers: two melody instruments and continuo (usually a keyboard instrument and a bass instrument). It arose early in the 17th century as an instrumental… … Universalium
Trio sonata — The trio sonata is a musical form which was particularly popular around the 17th century and the 18th century.A trio sonata is written for two solo melodic instruments and basso continuo, making three parts in all, hence the name trio sonata .… … Wikipedia
trio sonata — noun : a sonata of the Baroque period having two upper parts for like instruments (as violins or trumpets) and a figured bass part played by a bass instrument (as bass viol or cello) with the indicated harmony realized by a keyboard instrument … Useful english dictionary
Sonata — (From Latin and Italian sonare , to sound ), in music, literally means a piece played as opposed to a cantata (Latin and Italian cantare , to sing ), a piece sung . The term, being vague, naturally evolved through the history of music,… … Wikipedia
Sonata da camera — is literally translated to mean chamber sonata and is used to describe a group of instrumental pieces set into three or four different movements, beginning with a prelude, or small sonata, acting as an introduction for the following movements.… … Wikipedia
sonata — /seuh nah teuh/, n. Music. a composition for one or two instruments, typically in three or four movements in contrasted forms and keys. [1685 95; < It < L sonata, fem. of sonatus (ptp. of sonare to SOUND1). See SONANT, ATE1] * * * I Musical form… … Universalium
Sonata a trío — La sonata a trío es una forma musical que fue particularmente popular durante los Siglos XVII y XVIII. Una sonata a trío está escrita para dos instrumentos melódicos solistas y bajo continuo, haciendo las tres partes un todo, de el nombre trio… … Wikipedia Español
trio — /tree oh/, n., pl. trios. 1. a musical composition for three voices or instruments. 2. a company of three singers or players. 3. any group of three persons or things. 4. a subordinate division of a minuet, scherzo, march, etc., usually in a… … Universalium
Trio for Violin, Viola & Cello in E flat major, K. 563 (Mozart) — The Divertimento in E flat, K. 563, is a string trio, written by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in 1788, the year in which he completed his last three symphonies and his Coronation Piano Concerto. It is widely regarded as separate from his other… … Wikipedia