- digitigrade
a) Walking on the toes, putting the weight of the body mainly on the ball of the foot, with the back of the foot, or heel, raised.
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
digitigrade — [ diʒitigrad ] adj. • 1805; de digiti et grade ♦ Zool. Qui marche en appuyant sur les doigts (la plante du pied ne pose pas sur le sol). Carnassiers digitigrades (chat, chien, civette, hyène, martre). Subst. masc. Les digitigrades et les… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Digitigrade — Dig i*ti*grade, a. [L. digitus finger, toe + gradi to step, walk: cf. F. digitigrade.] (Zo[ o]l.) Walking on the toes; distinguished from {plantigrade}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Digitigrade — Dig i*ti*grade, n. (Zo[ o]l.) An animal that walks on its toes, as the cat, lion, wolf, etc.; distinguished from a plantigrade, which walks on the palm of the foot. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
digitigrade — DIGITIGRÁDE s.n.pl. Grup de animale care calcă pe vârful degetelor; (la sg.) animal din acest grup. [sg. digitigrad. / < fr. digitigrades, cf. lat. digitus – deget, gradi – a merge]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DN … Dicționar Român
digitigrade — [dij′i təgrād΄] adj. [Fr: see DIGITI & GRADE] walking on the toes with the heels not touching the ground, as cats, dogs, or horses n. any animal that walks in this manner … English World dictionary
Digitigrade — A digitigrade is an animal that stands or walks on its digits, or toes. Digitigrades include walking birds (what many assume to be bird knees are actually ankles), cats, dogs, and many other mammals, but not plantigrades or unguligrades.… … Wikipedia
Digitigrade — Une empreinte de chat Le squelette du loup illustre la disposition des os du pi … Wikipédia en Français
digitigrade — dig·i·ti·grade dij ət ə .grād adj walking or adapted for walking on the digits with the posterior of the foot more or less raised <cats and dogs are digitigrade mammals> compare PLANTIGRADE digitigrade n * * * dig·i·ti·grade (dijґĭ… … Medical dictionary
DIGITIGRADE — adj. des deux genres T. d’Histoire naturelle Qui marche sur ses doigts, en parlant de Certains animaux. Les mammifères digitigrades, ou comme nom masculin, Un digitigrade. Les digitigrades … Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 8eme edition (1935)
digitigrade — /dij i ti grayd /, adj. 1. walking on the toes, as most quadruped mammals. n. 2. a digitigrade animal. [1825 35; < F; see DIGITI , GRADE] * * * … Universalium