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anastigmatic — ANASTIGMÁTIC, Ă, anastigmatici, ce, adj. (Despre un sistem de lentile) Care are proprietatea de a corecta astigmatismul; anastigmat. – Din fr. anastigmatique. Trimis de ana zecheru, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 ANASTIGMÁTIC adj. (fiz.) anastigmat … Dicționar Român
Anastigmatic — An*as tig*mat ic, a. [Pref. an not + astigmatic.] (Optics) Not astigmatic; free of astigmatism; pertaining to a lens or lens system, and used especially of a lens system which consists of a converging lens and a diverging lens of equal and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
anastigmatic — [an as΄tig mat′ik, an΄ə stigmat′ik] adj. free from, or corrected for, astigmatism; specif., designating a compound lens made up of one converging and one diverging lens so that the astigmatism of one is neutralized by the equal and opposite… … English World dictionary
anastigmatic lens — anastigmatinis objektyvas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. anastigmat; anastigmatic lens; anastigmatic objective vok. Anastigmat, m; anastigmatisches Objektiv, n rus. анастигмат, m; анастигматический объектив, m; объектив анастигмат, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
anastigmatic objective — anastigmatinis objektyvas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. anastigmat; anastigmatic lens; anastigmatic objective vok. Anastigmat, m; anastigmatisches Objektiv, n rus. анастигмат, m; анастигматический объектив, m; объектив анастигмат, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
anastigmatic — adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary Date: 1890 not astigmatic used especially of lenses that are able to form approximately point images of object points … New Collegiate Dictionary
anastigmatic — /an euh stig mat ik, a nas tig /, adj. Optics. (of a lens) not having astigmatism; forming point images of a point object located off the axis of the lens; stigmatic. [1885 90; AN 1 + ASTIGMATIC] * * * … Universalium
anastigmatic — Not astigmatic. * * * an·astig·mat·ic .an ə (.)stig mat ik, .an .as tig adj not astigmatic used esp. of lenses that are able to form approximately point images of object points * * * an·a·stig·mat·ic (an″ə stig matґik) not astigmatic;… … Medical dictionary
anastigmàtic — a|nas|tig|mà|tic Mot Pla Adjectiu variable … Diccionari Català-Català
anastigmatic — an·as·tig·mat·ic || ə‚næstɪg mætɪk adj. not suffering from astigmatism (Optics) … English contemporary dictionary