draw raise

draw raise
A shot in which the played stone pushes a stone straight forward into the house

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  • draw — [drô] vt. drew, drawn, drawing [ME drawen < OE dragan, akin to ON draga, to drag, Ger tragen, to bear, carry < IE base * dherāgh , to pull, draw along > L trahere, to pull, draw] I indicating traction 1. to make move toward one or along… …   English World dictionary

  • Draw poker — This article is about draw poker games. For terminology relating to drawing in poker, see draw (poker). Draw poker is any poker variant in which each player is dealt a complete hand before the first betting round, and then develops the hand for… …   Wikipedia

  • Draw (poker) — This article is about poker terminology relating to drawing cards or drawing hands. For the variant of poker, see draw poker. A poker player is drawing if they have a hand that is incomplete and needs further cards to become valuable. The hand… …   Wikipedia

  • Draw reins and running reins — Running reins, a style also sometimes called a German martingale or Market Harborough. Horse is also wearing a tongue tie, which is not usually standard equipment. Draw reins and running reins are pieces of riding equipment used for training that …   Wikipedia

  • draw — 1. verb 1) he drew the house Syn: sketch, make a drawing (of), delineate, outline, draft, rough out, illustrate, render, represent, trace; portray, depict 2) she drew her chair closer to the fire Syn …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • raise — Synonyms and related words: Olympian heights, abandon, abet, access, accession, accretion, accrual, accruement, acculturate, accumulate, accumulation, acme, add to, addition, advance, advancement, aerial heights, agglomerate, aggrandize,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • raise — v 1. elevate, lift, lift up, loft, move up, thrust up, cast up; heave, hoist, bear up; run up, raise aloft, hold up; upcast, upthrow, upheave, upthrust, uplift, upraise; jack up, jerk up, pull up, hike up, draw up, haul up; pry up, tilt up, lever …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • Draw bridge — Bridge Bridge (br[i^]j), n. [OE. brig, brigge, brug, brugge, AS. brycg, bricg; akin to Fries. bregge, D. brug, OHG. brucca, G. br[ u]cke, Icel. bryggja pier, bridge, Sw. brygga, Dan. brygge, and prob. Icel. br[=u] bridge, Sw. & Dan. bro bridge,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Draw poker — Poker fermé Le poker fermé (draw poker) est une variante du poker historiquement la plus jouée en France (et en Europe). Sommaire 1 Mise en place de la partie 2 Blind ou Pot 3 Déroulement d un « coup » de poker fermé …   Wikipédia en Français

  • draw up — 1. Raise, lift, elevate, pull up, haul up. 2. Compose, write, prepare, frame, draw. 3. Array, marshal, form in order, set in line, set in order of battle. 4. Come to a halt or stop, halt, stop …   New dictionary of synonyms

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