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normoglycemic — SYN: euglycemic … Medical dictionary
euglycemic — Denoting, characteristic of, or promoting euglycemia. SYN: normoglycemic. * * * eu·gly·ce·mic (u″gli seґmik) 1. pertaining to or characterized by euglycemia. 2. conducive to euglycemia. Called also normoglycemic … Medical dictionary
glycosuria — 1. SYN: glucosuria. 2. Urinary excretion of carbohydrates. SYN: glycuresis (2). [glyco + G. ouron, urine] alimentary g. g. developing after the ingestion of a moderate amount of sugar or starch … Medical dictionary
normoglycemia — SYN: euglycemia. * * * nor·mo·gly·ce·mia or chiefly Brit nor·mo·gly·cae·mia .nȯr mō glī sē mē ə n the presence of a normal concentration of glucose in the blood nor·mo·gly·ce·mic or chiefly Brit nor·mo·gly·cae·mic mik adj * * * nor·mo·gly·ce·mia … Medical dictionary
renal glycosuria — n excretion of glucose associated with increased permeability of the kidneys without increased sugar concentration in the blood called also renal diabetes * * * glycosuria occurring when there is only the normal amount of sugar in the blood, due… … Medical dictionary
nondiabetic glycosuria — nonhyperglycemic glycosuria, normoglycemic glycosuria, orthoglycemic glycosuria renal g … Medical dictionary