air quotes

air quotes
The movement of a speakers fingers in the air to represent quotation marks.

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  • Air quotes — Air quotes, also called fingerquotes or Ersatz quotes (pronounced [ ɛɐ zats ] ) refers to using one s fingers to make virtual quotation marks in the air when speaking. This is typically done with both hands held shoulder width apart and at the… …   Wikipedia

  • air quotes — plural noun (informal) A gesture, made by holding up and bending the index (and/or middle) fingers when speaking, to draw an interlocutor s attention to the fact that a word is being used ironically or incorrectly • • • Main Entry: ↑air * * *… …   Useful english dictionary

  • air quotes — n. a gesture shaping virtual quotation marks in the air, usu. made with the index and middle fingers of both hands: She said she s a vegetarian, but she eats fish, so she put air quotes around the word[/ex] • Etymology: [1985 90] …   From formal English to slang

  • air quotes — /ˈɛə kwoʊts/ (say air kwohts) plural noun the representation of quotation marks during speech, made by a movement of the fingers in the air, and used to indicate that an expression is a quotation, is intended ironically, or is one that the… …  

  • Air quotes — twitching of the upheld pointer and index fingers of both hands to mark out a spoken word as a quotation or otherwise distance oneself from the word …   Dictionary of Australian slang

  • air quotes — Australian Slang twitching of the upheld pointer and index fingers of both hands to mark out a spoken word as a quotation or otherwise distance oneself from the word …   English dialects glossary

  • Air kiss — Blowing a kiss. The air kiss is a ritual or social gesture whose meaning is basically the same as that of many forms of kissing. The air kiss is a pretence of kissing: the lips are pursed as if kissing, but without actually touching the other… …   Wikipedia

  • air quote — noun A hand gesture resembling a quotation mark acting as the verbal equivalent of a quotation mark. Since quotation marks are usually used in pairs the plural air quotes is more common …   Wiktionary

  • Air Force reports on the Roswell UFO incident — The two Air Force reports on the Roswell UFO incident, published in 1994/5 and 1997, form the basis for much of the skeptical explanation for the 1947 incident, the purported recovery of aliens and their craft from the vicinity of Roswell, New… …   Wikipedia

  • Scare quotes — is a general term for quotation marks used for purposes other than to identify a direct quotation. For example, authors might use quotation marks to highlight special terminology, to distance the writer from the material being reported, to… …   Wikipedia

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