
a) Extraordinarily capable or knowledgeable.

I am expert at making a simple situation complex.

b) Characteristic of an expert.

My cousin is an expert pianist.

See Also: expert system
2. noun
a) A person with extensive knowledge or ability in a given subject.

We called in several experts on the subject, but they couldnt reach an agreement.

b) A player ranking just below master.

If an expert says it cant be done, get another expert. -

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  • expert — expert, erte [ ɛkspɛr, ɛrt ] adj. et n. m. • espert XIIIe; lat. expertus, p. p. de experiri → expérience I ♦ Adj. Qui a, par l expérience, par la pratique, acquis une grande habileté. ⇒ adroit, exercé, expérimenté, habile. Un technicien expert. ⇒ …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • expert — ex·pert n: a person with special or superior skill or knowledge in a particular area see also expert witness at witness Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

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  • expert — adj *proficient, adept, skilled, skillful, masterly Analogous words: practiced, drilled (see PRACTICE vb): trained, schooled (see TEACH): *dexterous, deft, adroit Antonyms: amateurish Contrasted words: inept, maladroit, *awkward, clumsy expert …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

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