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Panokratie — (Kompositum aus gr. pan (alles), ana (aufwärts) und kratein (regieren)) ist eine Weiterentwicklung und Konkretisierung der Anarchie. Die Utopie wurde zwischen 1977 und 1988 von Prof. Dr. Tobias Breiner entwickelt und wurde 1991 in seinem Buch… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Participatory democracy — is a process emphasizing the broad participation (decision making) of constituents in the direction and operation of political systems. While etymological roots imply that any democracy would rely on the participation of its citizens (the Greek… … Wikipedia
House church — (or home church ) is an informal term for an independent assembly of Christians intentionally gathering in a home or on other grounds not normally used for worship services, as opposed to a church building, due to specific beliefs. They may meet… … Wikipedia
Co-Counselling International — (CCI) is an international peer network of co counsellors (spelled co counseling and co counselors in US English). Contents 1 History 2 Practice 3 Organisation 4 Culture … Wikipedia
pantocracy — noun panocracy … Wiktionary