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Bresaola — is air dried salted beef that has been aged about 2 3 months until it becomes hard and a dark red, almost purple colour. It is made from eye of round and is lean and tender with a sweet, musty smell. It originated in Valtellina, a valley in the… … Wikipedia
Bresaola — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Algunos Bresaola della Valtellina(PGI/IGP) y olivas, todos ellos mezclados con cebollas y pan. La Bresaola es un plato consistente en finas lonchas de carne de ternera curada durante dos o tres meses, ésta empieza a… … Wikipedia Español
bresaola — /brə zōˈla/ noun Salt cured, air dried beef, served thinly sliced with oil, lemon juice and black pepper ORIGIN: Ital, from brasare to cook slowly … Useful english dictionary
Bresaola — Drei Scheiben Bresaola, Oliven, Brot und eine eingelegte Zwiebel Bresaola ([bre’saola]) (genauer Bresaola della Valtellina) ist die geschützte geographische Angabe (g.g.A.; italienisch IGP) für einen luftgetrockneten Rinderschinken aus Italien.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
bresaola — {{#}}{{LM B43340}}{{〓}} {{[}}bresaola{{]}} {{■}}(it.){{□}} {{《}}▍ s.f.{{》}} Carne bovina finamente rebanada, que se come cruda y condimentada. {{★}}{{\}}PRONUNCIACIÓN:{{/}} [bresaóla]. {{★}}{{\}}ORTOGRAFÍA:{{/}} Por ser un extranjerismo debe… … Diccionario de uso del español actual con sinónimos y antónimos
bresaola — bre·sao·la (brĕ sōʹlə, brĭ zōʹ ) n. Sliced salt cured, air dried beef that is dressed with olive oil, lemon juice, and black pepper before serving. [Italian, diminutive of Italian dialectal *bresada, past participle of brasare, to braise, from… … Universalium
bresaola — bre·sà·o·la s.f. CO carne di manzo salata ed essiccata, tipica della Valtellina {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1931. ETIMO: voce lomb., der. di brasare con ola femm., vd. 2 olo … Dizionario italiano
bresaola — {{hw}}{{bresaola}}{{/hw}}s. f. Carne di manzo, salata ed essiccata, specialità della Valtellina … Enciclopedia di italiano
bresaola — pl.f. bresaole … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
bresaola — n. Italian dried beef (served with a dressing of olive oil, lemon juice, and black pepper) … English contemporary dictionary