
Any substance that reacts with a genetic repressor in order to activate it and decrease gene expression

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  • corepressor — corepressor. См. корепрессор. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) …   Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.

  • Corepressor — In molecular genetics, a corepressor is a substance that inhibits the expression of genes. A corepressor downregulates (or represses) the expression of genes not through direct interaction with a gene promoter (a sequence of DNA adjacent to the… …   Wikipedia

  • Corepressor — Als Corepressor (Korepressor) bezeichnet man in der Molekularbiologie eine Substanz, die die Expression von Genen hemmt. Ein Corepressor vermindert die Expression von Genen nicht durch direkte Interaktion mit dem Promotor (einer DNA Sequenz neben …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Corepressor (genetics) — A corepressor is a protein that decreases gene expression by binding to a transcription factor which contains a DNA binding domain. The corepressor is unable to bind DNA by itself. The corepressor can repress transcriptional initiation by… …   Wikipedia

  • corepressor — noun Date: 1963 a small molecule that activates a particular genetic repressor by combining with it …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • corepressor — (ko re pre sor) A small molecule that inhibits the synthesis of a repressible enzyme …   Dictionary of microbiology

  • corepressor — /koh ri pres euhr/, n. Genetics. a molecule that is capable of combining with a specific repressor molecule and activating it, thereby blocking gene transcription. [1960 65; CO + REPRESSOR] * * * …   Universalium

  • corepressor — A molecule, usually a product of a specific metabolic pathway, that combines with and activates a repressor produced by a regulator gene. The activated repressor then attaches to an operator gene site and …   Medical dictionary

  • corepressor — co·repressor …   English syllables

  • corepressor — ˌkōˌ noun Etymology: co + repressor (herein) : a small molecule that activates a particular genetic repressor by combining with it * * * /koh ri pres euhr/, n. Genetics. a molecule that is capable of combining with a specific repressor molecule… …   Useful english dictionary

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