water boy

water boy
A man or boy who regularly supplies a sports team or other group with drinking water.

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  • water boy — n. ☆ 1. a boy who brings drinking water to workers, as in the fields ☆ 2. an assistant who brings drinking water, towels, etc. to athletes during the timeouts of a contest …   English World dictionary

  • water boy — water .boy n AmE 1.) someone whose job is to give the members of a sports team water to drink 2.) informal someone who has a very unimportant job …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • water boy — noun an assistant who supplies drinking water • Syn: ↑waterer • Derivationally related forms: ↑water (for: ↑waterer) • Hypernyms: ↑assistant, ↑helper, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • Water boy — In the USA, a water boy (sometimes spelled waterboy) is a person, regardless of gender, who works on the sidelines and provides water or other drinks to athletes.ee also*Batboy * The Waterboy * Radio …   Wikipedia

  • Water boy (disambiguation) — A water boy is someone who, in sports, provides players or competitors with water.Water boy or waterboy can also mean:* The Waterboy , a 1998 film starring Adam Sandler *Waterboy (song) (a.k.a. (The) Water Boy), a traditional folk song performed… …   Wikipedia

  • water boy — wa′ter boy n. a person who brings drinking water to those unable to fetch it, as soldiers or laborers …   From formal English to slang

  • water boy — 1. a person who carries a canteen or bucket of drinking water to those too occupied to fetch it, as to soldiers, laborers, or football players. 2. a person who sees that livestock is supplied with water, as by filling water troughs. [1630 40] * * …   Universalium

  • water boy — noun Date: 1859 one who keeps a group (as of football players) supplied with drinking water …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • boy — n. 1) an altar; barrow (BE; CE has street vendor); bugle; cabin; chorus; college (esp. AE); delivery; messenger; newspaper; office; shoe shine; stock; water boy 2) a best boy ( assistant gaffer on a TV or film set ) 3) a ball boy (who retrieves… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • water carrier — Synonyms and related words: Aquarius, Cloudcuckooland, Ganymede, Hebe, alto cumulus, alto stratus, anvil cloud, aqueduct, arroyo, banner cloud, bearer, bed, bheesty, billowy cloud, busboy, caddie, canal, cap cloud, cargo handler, carrier, carrier …   Moby Thesaurus

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