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Baptistry — Baptistery Bap tis*ter*y,Baptistry Bap tis*try, n.; pl. {Baptisteries}, {Baptistries}. [L. baptisterium, Gr. baptisth rion: cf. F. baptist[ e]re.] (Arch.) (a) In early times, a separate building, usually polygonal, used for baptismal services.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Baptistry — A portion of a church set apart for the administration of Holy Baptism. Sometimes the Baptistry was erected as a separate building or attached to a church or cathedral, specially adapted for Baptism by immersion … American Church Dictionary and Cyclopedia
Baptistry of Neon — The Baptistry of Neon. The Baptistry of Neon (Italian: Battistero Neoniano) is a religious building in Ravenna, central Italy. The most ancient monument remaining in the city, it was partly erected on the site of a Roman bath. It is also called… … Wikipedia
Baptistry heater — A baptistry heater is water heating device used in baptistry pools by various religions throughout the world. Three main types of heaters are immersion, circulation and gas/LP. A baptistry heater can range from 3 kW to 12 kW of power and can heat … Wikipedia
Baptistry (Pisa) — The Baptistry of St. John (Italian: Battistero di San Giovanni ) is a religious building in Pisa, Italy. It started construction in 1152, in replacement of an older baptistry, and completed in 1363. It s the second building, in the chronological… … Wikipedia
baptistry — noun see baptistery … New Collegiate Dictionary
baptistry — /bap teuh stree/, n., pl. baptistries. baptistery. * * * … Universalium
BAPTISTRY — a circular building, sometimes detached from a church, in which the rite of baptism is administered; the most remarkable, that of Pisa … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
baptistry — n. baptistery, place where a baptism takes place; baptismal tank or bowl … English contemporary dictionary
baptistry — bap·tis·try … English syllables