- schistosome
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schistosome — [ ʃistozom ] n. m. • 1933; du gr. skhistos « fendu » et some ♦ Bilharzie. ● schistosome nom masculin Synonyme de bilharzie. ● schistosome (synonymes) nom masculin Synonymes : bilharzie schistos … Encyclopédie Universelle
schistosome — [shis′tə sōm΄] n. [< ModL < Gr schistos, cleft (see SCHIST) + sōma, body: see SOMATIC] any of a genus (Schistosoma) of flukes that live as parasites in the blood vessels of birds and mammals, including humans … English World dictionary
schistosome — noun Etymology: New Latin Schistosoma, from Greek schistos + sōma body Date: 1905 any of a genus (Schistosoma) of elongated trematode worms with the sexes separate that parasitize the blood vessels of birds and mammals and cause a destructive… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Schistosome — A parasitic trematode worm contracted from infested water that is capable of causing liver, gastrointestinal tract and bladder disease. There are three main species of these trematode worms (flukes) Schistosoma haematobium, Schistosoma japonicum … Medical dictionary
schistosome dermatitis — n SWIMMER S ITCH … Medical dictionary
Schistosome — Schistosoma Schistosoma … Wikipédia en Français
schistosome — /shis teuh sohm /, n. 1. Also called bilharzia. any elongated trematode of the genus Schistosoma, parasitic in the blood vessels of humans and other mammals; a blood fluke. adj. 2. Also, schistosomal. pertaining to or caused by schistosomes.… … Universalium
schistosome — (ski sto so m ) adj. Terme de tératologie. Monstres schistosomes, monstres qui présentent une éventration latérale ou médiane sur toute la longueur de l abdomen, et qui n ont pas de membres pelviens ou n en ont que de très imparfaits. ÉTYMOLOGIE… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
schistosome — [ ʃɪstə(ʊ)ˌsəʊm] noun a parasitic flatworm which causes bilharzia in humans, infesting freshwater snails when immature and the blood vessels of birds and mammals when adult. [Genus Schistosoma.] Origin early 20th cent.: from mod. L. Schistosoma,… … English new terms dictionary
schistosome — schis·to·some … English syllables