- underdressed
a) Insufficiently dressed, as for cold weather.
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Wikipedia foundation.
Underdressed — Un der*dressed , a. Not dresses enough. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
underdressed — (adj.) also under dressed, too plainly dressed, 1784, from UNDER (Cf. under) + pp. of DRESS (Cf. dress) (v.) … Etymology dictionary
underdressed — un|der|dressed [ andɐdrɛst ] <Adj.> [engl. underdressed, zu: under = unter u. to dress = anziehen] (bildungsspr.): [für einen bestimmten Anlass] zu schlecht, nachlässig angezogen, gekleidet. * * * un|der|dressed [ andə(r)drɛst] <Adj.> … Universal-Lexikon
underdressed — clothed clothed adj. 1. wearing clothing. [Narrower terms: {adorned(predicate), bedecked(predicate), decked(predicate), decked out(predicate)}; {appareled, attired, clad, dressed, garbed, garmented, habilimented, robed}; {arrayed, panoplied};… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
underdressed — un|der|dressed [ˌʌndəˈdrest US ər ] adj wearing clothes that are too informal for a particular occasion ≠ ↑overdressed … Dictionary of contemporary English
underdressed — un|der|dressed [ʌndə drɛsd] <engl. ; zu to underdress »(sich) zu einfach kleiden«>: a) (für einen bestimmten Anlass) zu schlecht, nachlässig angezogen; b) (für eine bestimmte Witterung) zu dünn gekleidet … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
underdressed — un|der|dressed [ ,ʌndər drest ] adjective not wearing appropriate clothes, either because they are not formal enough or because they are not warm enough … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
underdressed — n. underclothes; underskirt, petticoat, slip v. dress in a way that is not formal enough for the circumstances; not dress warmly enough … English contemporary dictionary
underdressed — adjective wearing clothes that are too informal for a particular occasion … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
underdressed — UK [ˌʌndə(r)ˈdrest] / US [ˌʌndərˈdrest] adjective not wearing suitable clothes, either because they are not formal enough or because they are not warm enough … English dictionary