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culchie — /kulˈchi/ (Irish derog inf) noun 1. A rustic 2. A country labourer ORIGIN: Origin unknown … Useful english dictionary
Culchie — In Irish English culchie is a term sometimes used to describe a person from rural Ireland. In Dublin, it is often used to describe someone from without the bounds of the M50 motorway. It usually has a pejorative meaning, but is also reclaimed by… … Wikipedia
culchie — I Everyday English Slang in Ireland n a city dweller s name for a country person II Irish Slang a city dweller s name for a country person III Mid Ulster English a farmer, a rural dweller Dublin English used originally by those dwelling in the… … English dialects glossary
culchie — [ kʌl(t)ʃi] noun (plural culchies) Irish derogatory a country bumpkin. Origin 1950s: appar. an alt. of Kiltimagh (Ir. Coillte Mach), a country town in County Mayo … English new terms dictionary
culchie — Noun. A rural dweller, a bumpkin, a yokel. Mainly derog. Irish use … English slang and colloquialisms
Mid Ulster English — Approximate boundaries of the English and Scots dialects spoken in Ulster. It should be noted that Ulster Scots (light blue) is not spoken in the entire shaded area – light blue indicates both current and historical Ulster Scots areas. The… … Wikipedia
List of regional nicknames — The list of regional nicknames includes nicknames for people based on their locality of origin (birthplace, place of permanent residence, or family roots). Nicknames based on the country (or larger geopolitical area) of origin may be found in the … Wikipedia
Kiltimagh — 53.85 9 Koordinaten: 53° 51′ N, 9° 0′ W … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hiberno-English — (also known as Irish English[1]) is the dialect of English written and spoken in Ireland (Hibernia).[2] English was first brought to Ireland during the Norman invasion of the late 12th century. Initially it was mainly spoken in an area known as… … Wikipedia
Teuchter — (pronounced /ˈtjuxtər/[1][2] or /ˈtʃuxtər/[2]) is a Lowland Scots word originally used to describe a Scottish Highlander, (in particular a Gaelic speaking Highlander.[3]), although in modern parlance it is used by urban Scots to desc … Wikipedia