
1. noun
a) An extinct branch of the Indo-European language family, consisting of two languages, Tocharian A and Tocharian B, written in an abugida derived from Brahmi.
b) Any member of a people who inhabited the and spoke Tocharian.
Of or pertaining to Tocharian or the Tocharians.

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  • Tocharian — may refer to:* Tocharians, an ancient people who inhabited the Tarim Basin in Central Asia * Tocharian languages, two (or, perhaps, three) Indo European languages spoken by those people * Tocharian script, The script used to represent the… …   Wikipedia

  • Tocharian — [tō ker′ē ən, tōkar′ē ən, tōkär′ē ən] n. [formerly identified with Gr Tocharoi, a central Asian people mentioned by STRABO] 1. a member of a people living in central Asia until about A.D. 1000 2. their extinct Indo European language, comprising… …   English World dictionary

  • Tocharian — in reference to an extinct people and Indo European language of Chinese Turkestan, 1927, from Fr. tocharien, from Gk. Tokharoi (Strabo), name of an Asiatic people who lived in the Oxus valley in ancient times. Earlier Tocharish (1910), from Ger.… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Tocharian — To•char•i•an [[t]toʊˈkɛər i ən, ˈkɑr [/t]] n. 1) peo an extinct Indo European language spoken in the NE Tarim Basin of W China c500–800 a.d., having an eastern dialect(Tocharian A)and a western dialect(Tocharian B) 2) peo a speaker of Tocharian… …   From formal English to slang

  • Tocharian — /toh kair ee euhn, kahr /, n. 1. a member of a central Asian people of high culture, who were assimilated with other peoples about the 11th century A.D. 2. the language of the Tocharians, an extinct Indo European language, having an eastern… …   Universalium

  • Tocharian — /tɒˈkariən/ (say to kahreeuhn) noun 1. a member of a people, thought to be of European origin, who lived in the Tarim Basin of north western China until around 800 AD. 2. the language of this people, consisting of two dialects, Tocharian A and… …  

  • Tocharian — also Tokharian noun Etymology: Greek Tocharoi Date: 1926 1. a. a language of central Asia known from documents from the sixth to eighth centuries A.D. b. a branch of the Indo European language family containing Tocharian see Indo European… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Tocharian A — noun Date: 1926 the eastern dialect of Tocharian see Indo European languages table …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Tocharian B — noun Date: 1926 the western dialect of Tocharian see Indo European languages table …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Tocharian A — noun Eastern member of Tocharian branch of Indo European languages, extinct from ninth century. Once spoken in the Tarim Basin in Central Asia …   Wiktionary

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