- metathesize
Cases like mu·yh : mu·hyut may be accounted for under a rule that clusters of h plus sonorant metathesize in word-final position.
Wikipedia foundation.
Cases like mu·yh : mu·hyut may be accounted for under a rule that clusters of h plus sonorant metathesize in word-final position.
Wikipedia foundation.
metathesize — (v.) 1893, from METATHESIS (Cf. metathesis) + IZE (Cf. ize). Related: Metathesized; metathesizing … Etymology dictionary
metathesize — /meuh tath euh suyz /, v.t., v.i., metathesized, metathesizing. to cause to undergo or undergo metathesis. Also, esp. Brit., metathesise. [1915 20; METATHES(IS) + IZE] * * * … Universalium
metathesize — me·tath·e·size … English syllables
metathesize — me•tath•e•size [[t]məˈtæθ əˌsaɪz[/t]] v. t. v. i. sized, siz•ing to cause to undergo or undergo metathesis • Etymology: 1915–20 … From formal English to slang
metathesize — ˌsīz verb ( ed/ ing/ s) Etymology: metathesis + ize intransitive verb : to undergo metathesis transitive verb : to subject to metathesis … Useful english dictionary
Rotuman language — language name= Rotuman nativename= Fäeag Rotuma states=Fiji region=Rotuma speakers=9,000 familycolor=Austronesian fam2=Malayo Polynesian(MP) fam3=Central Eastern MP fam4=Eastern MP fam5=Oceanic fam6=Central Eastern Oceanic fam7=Remote Oceanic… … Wikipedia
Slavic liquid metathesis and pleophony — Slavic liquid metathesis refers to the historical phenomenon of metathesis of liquid consonants occurring in Common Slavic period in South Slavic and Czecho Slovak area. Onomastics evidence indicates that it seems to have occurred sometimes in… … Wikipedia
Tibeto-Burman languages — Introduction language group within the Sino Tibetan family (Sino Tibetan languages). At the end of the 20th century, Tibeto Burman languages were spoken by approximately 57 million people; countries that had more than 1 million Tibeto… … Universalium
assign — Synonyms and related words: abalienate, accredit, alien, alienate, allocate, allot, allow, amortize, apply, appoint, apportion, appropriate, appropriate to, ascribe, assign to, associate, attach, attribute, authorize, barter, bequeath, carry over … Moby Thesaurus
carry over — Synonyms and related words: assign, balance, balance the books, book, capitalize, carry, cast up accounts, charge off, close out, close the books, communicate, consign, credit, debit, deliver, deport, diffuse, disseminate, docket, enter, expel,… … Moby Thesaurus