- hobson-jobson
A word or phrase borrowed by one language from another and modified in pronunciation to fit the set of sounds the borrowing language typically uses.
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Hobson-Jobson — is the short (and better known) title of Hobson Jobson: A Glossary of Colloquial Anglo Indian Words and Phrases, and of Kindred Terms, Etymological, Historical, Geographical and Discursive , a historical dictionary of Anglo Indian words and terms … Wikipedia
Hobson-Jobson — 1690s, hossen gossen, said to have been British soldiers mangled Anglicization of the Arabic cry they heard at Muharram processions in India, Ya Hasan! Ya Husayn! ( O Hassan! O Husain! ), mourning two grandsons of the Prophet who died fighting… … Etymology dictionary
hobson-jobson — /hɒbsən ˈdʒɒbsən/ (say hobsuhn jobsuhn) noun the assimilation of a word or words from a foreign language to the sound of a familiar word or words in the mother tongue. {modification (originally derogatory) of Arabic Hassan! Hussain! names of the… …
hobson-jobson — |häbsən|jäbsən noun ( s) Usage: usually capitalized H&J Etymology: Anglo Indian modification (influenced by the English surnames Hobson and Jobson) of Arabic yā Ḥasan! yā Ḥusayn! O Hasan! O Husain! (cry repeated at the Muharram festival as an… … Useful english dictionary
Hobson-Jobson — noun /ˌhɒb.sənˈdʒɒb.sən,ˌhɑb.sənˈdʒɑb.sən/ A word or phrase borrowed by one language from another and modified in pronunciation to fit the set of sounds the borrowing language typically uses. If the French for pun, calembour, derives (as Spitzer… … Wiktionary
hobson-jobson — n British the linguistic process whereby foreign words or phrases are anglicised for use by English speakers. The practice was particularly noticeable during the colonial era and World War I. Hobson Jobson is itself a rendering of the Muslim… … Contemporary slang
Hobson-Jobson — /hob seuhn job seuhn/, n. the alteration of a word or phrase borrowed from a foreign language to accord more closely with the phonological and lexical patterns of the borrowing language, as in English hoosegow from Spanish juzgado. [1625 35;… … Universalium
hobson-jobson — hob·son job·son … English syllables
hobson-jobson — n. Anglicized word or language corrupted from Oriental word or words … Dictionary of difficult words
law of Hobson-Jobson — noun The rule that words or phrases borrowed between languages will be modified in their pronunciation as necessary to conform to the set of sounds used by the borrowing language. Its variations show a familiar effort to bring a new and strange… … Wiktionary