- doxycycline
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Doxycycline — Systematic (IUPAC) name … Wikipedia
Doxycycline — Général Nom IUPAC (4S,4aR,5S,5aR,6R,12aS) 4 (dimethylamino) 3,5,10,12,12a pentahydroxy 6 methyl 1,11 dioxo 1,4,4a,5,5a,6,11,12a octahydrotetracene 2 carboxamide … Wikipédia en Français
doxycycline — ● doxycycline nom féminin Antibiotique semi synthétique de la famille des tétracyclines, à très large spectre, actif sur les mycoplasmes et les chlamydiae. doxycycline [dɔksisiklin] n. f. ÉTYM. V. 1960; probablt de d(iméthyl ), oxy , et cycline.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
doxycycline — noun an antibiotic derived from tetracycline that is effective against many infections Vibramycin is the trade name of doxycycline • Syn: ↑Vibramycin • Hypernyms: ↑antibiotic, ↑antibiotic drug … Useful english dictionary
doxycycline calcium — [USP] a complex prepared from doxycycline hyclate and calcium chloride, having the same actions as other tetracyclines and used in a wide variety of infections; administered orally … Medical dictionary
doxycycline hyclate — [USP] doxycycline hydrochloride a salt having the antibacterial effects of other tetracyclines; administered orally or intravenously. It is also used as an adjunct to scaling and root planing in the treatment of periodontitis; it promotes… … Medical dictionary
doxycycline — noun Etymology: deoxy + tetracycline Date: 1966 a broad spectrum tetracycline antibiotic C22H24N2O8 with potent antibacterial activity that is often taken by travelers to prevent diarrhea … New Collegiate Dictionary
Doxycycline — … Википедия
doxycycline — /dok see suy kleen, klin/, n. Pharm. a synthetic analog of a broad spectrum antibiotic tetracycline drug, C22H24N2O8, used against a wide range of susceptible Gram positive and Gram negative organisms. [contr. of deoxytetracycline] * * * … Universalium
doxycycline — A broad spectrum antibiotic. * * * doxy·cy·cline .däk sə sī .klēn n a broad spectrum tetracycline antibiotic C22H24N2O8 with potent antibacterial activity that is often taken by travelers as a prophylactic against diarrhea see VIBRAMYCIN * * * n … Medical dictionary