- body wrap
a) The practice of wrapping the recipient of a massage in something resembling cellophane as a beauty treatment.b) The air-permeable wrapping material used in this process.
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body wrap — noun a beauty treatment involving wrapping the body in hot bandages, intended to make one slimmer … English new terms dictionary
body wrap — noun : a full body treatment for the skin usually offered at a spa or salon … Useful english dictionary
Wrap the Green Flag Around Me, Boys — is an Irish rebel song, describing the singer s nationalist sentiments and respect for the Green Irish flag. The history of Ireland is a history of oppression and the struggle of the people against it. The history of grasping landlords and… … Wikipedia
wrap — [rap] vt. wrapped, wrapping [ME wrappen] 1. a) to wind or fold (a covering) around something b) to cover by this means 2. to envelop, surround, overspread, etc. or hide, conceal, veil, etc. as by enveloping [a town wrapped in fog] … English World dictionary
Wrap My Body Tight — is the title of a number one R B single by Johnny Gill from his self titled album, Johnny Gill . The song spent one week at number one on the US R B chart … Wikipedia
wrap-around — wrap a.round adj a wrap around skirt is one that you wind around your body and fasten in place … Dictionary of contemporary English
wrap — 01. We [wrapped] her present in beautiful blue paper, and put a bow on top. 02. The [wrapping] on the present for my niece was really cute, with pictures of young animals with their mothers. 03. He cut his hand making supper, so we [wrapped] it… … Grammatical examples in English
wrap — /rap/, v., wrapped or wrapt, wrapping, n., adj. v.t. 1. to enclose in something wound or folded about (often fol. by up): She wrapped her head in a scarf. 2. to enclose and make fast (an article, bundle, etc.) within a covering of paper or the… … Universalium
wrap rage — n. Extreme anger caused by product packaging that is difficult to open or manipulate. Also: wrapping rage. Example Citations: The crucible of wrap rage is, of course, the CD. It was universally repackaged in 1992, its old cardboard box replaced… … New words
wrap — [[t]ræp[/t]] v. wrapped, wrap•ping, n. adj. 1) to enclose in something wound or folded about (often fol. by up): She wrapped her head in a scarf[/ex] 2) to enclose and make fast within a covering of paper or the like (often fol. by up): Wrap the… … From formal English to slang