
All matters concerning taxation

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  • fiscality — fis·cal·i·ty …   English syllables

  • fiscality — n. (pl. ies) 1 (in pl.) fiscal matters. 2 excessive regard for these …   Useful english dictionary

  • Lega Nord — Federal Secretary Umberto Bossi Federal President Angelo Alessandri …   Wikipedia

  • Instituto Superior de Paços de Brandão — (literally the Paços de Brandão High Institute , abbreviation: ISPAB) is an institution in the parish of Paços de Brandão, the municipality of Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal. It is located in an area with large company density and service with a… …   Wikipedia

  • French special retirement plan — In France employees of some government owned corporations enjoy a special retirement plan, collectively known as régimes spéciaux de retraite . These professions include employees of the SNCF (national railways), the RATP (Parisian transport),… …   Wikipedia

  • Libertarian Movement (Italy) — For the Libertarian Movement, see Libertarian movement in the United States. For the Movimiento Libertario political party of Costa Rica,, see Movimiento Libertario. For the traditional Italian Anarchism, see Anarchism in Italy. Movimento… …   Wikipedia

  • National Data Repository — A National Data Repository (NDR) is a data bank that seeks to preserve and promote a country’s natural resources data, particularly data related to the Petroleum E P industry. A National Data Repository is normally established by an entity that… …   Wikipedia

  • fiscal — [ fɪsk(ə)l] adjective 1》 relating to government revenue, especially taxes. 2》 chiefly N. Amer. relating to financial matters.     ↘N. Amer. denoting a financial year: the deficit for fiscal 1996. Derivatives fiscality noun fiscally adverb Origin …   English new terms dictionary

  • fiscal —   a. pertaining to public revenue.    ♦ fiscality, n. avarice …   Dictionary of difficult words

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