- difference of two squares
The fraction can be simplified to using the difference of two squares.
Wikipedia foundation.
The fraction can be simplified to using the difference of two squares.
Wikipedia foundation.
Difference of two squares — In mathematics, the difference of two squares, or the difference of perfect squares, is when a number is squared, or multiplied by itself, and is then subtracted from another squared number. It refers to the identity from elementary algebra.… … Wikipedia
Mean difference — The mean difference is a measure of statistical dispersion equal to the average absolute difference of two independent values drawn from a probability distribution. A related statistic is the relative mean difference, which is the mean difference … Wikipedia
Tabular difference — Tabular Tab u*lar, a. [L. tabularis, fr. tabula a board, table. See {Table}.] Having the form of, or pertaining to, a table (in any of the uses of the word). Specifically: [1913 Webster] (a) Having a flat surface; as, a tabular rock. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ordinary least squares — This article is about the statistical properties of unweighted linear regression analysis. For more general regression analysis, see regression analysis. For linear regression on a single variable, see simple linear regression. For the… … Wikipedia
Least squares — The method of least squares is a standard approach to the approximate solution of overdetermined systems, i.e., sets of equations in which there are more equations than unknowns. Least squares means that the overall solution minimizes the sum of… … Wikipedia
Linear least squares/Proposed — Linear least squares is an important computational problem, that arises primarily in applications when it is desired to fit a linear mathematical model to observations obtained from experiments. Mathematically, it can be stated as the problem of… … Wikipedia
Total least squares — The bivariate (Deming regression) case of Total Least Squares. The red lines show the error in both x and y. This is different from the traditional least squares method which measures error parallel to the y axis. The case shown, with deviations… … Wikipedia
To be all squares — Square Square (skw[^a]r), n. [OF. esquarre, esquierre, F. [ e]querre a carpenter s square (cf. It. squadra), fr. (assumed) LL. exquadrare to make square; L. ex + quadrus a square, fr. quattuor four. See {Four}, and cf. {Quadrant}, {Squad},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
To break no squares — Square Square (skw[^a]r), n. [OF. esquarre, esquierre, F. [ e]querre a carpenter s square (cf. It. squadra), fr. (assumed) LL. exquadrare to make square; L. ex + quadrus a square, fr. quattuor four. See {Four}, and cf. {Quadrant}, {Squad},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
To break squares — Square Square (skw[^a]r), n. [OF. esquarre, esquierre, F. [ e]querre a carpenter s square (cf. It. squadra), fr. (assumed) LL. exquadrare to make square; L. ex + quadrus a square, fr. quattuor four. See {Four}, and cf. {Quadrant}, {Squad},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English