muzzle brake
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Muzzle brake — The muzzle brake of the 105 mm gun on an AMX 10 RC fighting vehicle … Wikipedia
muzzle brake — laibgalio stabdys statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Prie pabūklo vamzdžio laibgalio pritvirtintas įtaisas šliaužiamųjų pabūklo dalių energijai 20–70% kompensuoti. Veikimo principas: išlėkus sviediniui iš vamzdžio, laibgalio stabdys keičia… … Artilerijos terminų žodynas
muzzle brake — A device attached to the muzzle of a weapon that utilizes escaping gas to reduce recoil … Military dictionary
muzzle brake — /ˈmʌzəl breɪk/ (say muzuhl brayk) noun a device attached to the muzzle of a weapon which utilises escaping gas to reduce recoil …
muzzle brake — noun : a device attached to the muzzle of a gun tube that utilizes escaping gases to reduce the force of recoil compare compensator … Useful english dictionary
PGRS-1 muzzle brake — The PGRS 1 muzzle brake is a muzzle brake manufactured by Bruce McArthur. It was tested by the United States Army and is in use currently (2008) with the U.S. Navy SEAL s. The McArthur PGRS 1 muzzle brake was designed in the early 1980 s by… … Wikipedia
Muzzle flash — of an Israeli Merkava IIId Baz tank IMI 120 mm gun … Wikipedia
Muzzle shroud — A muzzle shroud is a sleeve (either circular or otherwise) that extends beyond a weapon s muzzle. Uses Sound waves are semi directional. They consist of both Point and Line wave propagation. The projectile emanates mostly Line propagation… … Wikipedia
Muzzle booster — A muzzle booster or recoil booster is a device affixed to the muzzle of a firearm, intended to harness the energy of the escaping propellant to augment the force of recoil on portions of the firearm. Muzzle boosters are usually used to improve… … Wikipedia
muzzle device — noun : a device fixed to the muzzle of a shotgun to act as a muzzle brake and usually to allow a selection of chokes … Useful english dictionary