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semi-precious — semi precˈious adjective (mineralogy) Valuable, but not valuable enough to be considered a gemstone • • • Main Entry: ↑semi * * * semi precious UK US adjective a semi precious stone is one that is used in jewellery and is fairly valuable but not… … Useful english dictionary
semi-precious — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ denoting minerals which can be used as gems but are considered to be less valuable than precious stones … English terms dictionary
semi-precious — sem|i precious BrE sem|i|pre|cious AmE [ˌsemiˈpreʃəs] adj a semi precious jewel or stone is valuable, but not as valuable as a ↑diamond, ↑ruby etc … Dictionary of contemporary English
semi-precious — ADJ: usu ADJ n Semi precious stones are stones such as turquoises and amethysts that are used in jewellery but are less valuable than precious stones such as diamonds and rubies. (in AM, also use semiprecious) … English dictionary
semi-precious — UK / US adjective a semi precious stone is one that is used in jewellery and is fairly valuable but not as valuable as a precious stone such as a diamond or emerald … English dictionary
semi-precious — adj. Semi precious is used with these nouns: ↑stone … Collocations dictionary
semi-precious — adjective a semi precious jewel or stone is valuable, but not as valuable as a diamond, ruby etc … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Semi Precious Weapons — rehearsing their Dirty Showbiz Tour and writing new music. Background information Origin New York City … Wikipedia
Semi Precious Weapons — Datos generales Origen Nueva York, Estados Unidos Información artística Género(s) Glam Rock … Wikipedia Español
Semi Precious Weapons — Biographie Semi Precious Weapons est un groupe basé à New York, composé de 4 musiciens diplomés de Berklee, qui se créé en 2004, et dont le chanteur Justin Tranter est le meilleur ami de la chanteuse Lady Gaga. Ils font actuellement la première… … Wikipédia en Français