- compital
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Wikipedia foundation.
compital — com·pi·tal … English syllables
compital — /ˈkɒmpɪtəl/ (say kompituhl) adjective 1. of or relating to crossroads, especially those in ancient Rome where shrines to domestic gods were placed. 2. Botany (of leaf veins) intersecting. {Latin compitālis relating to crossways, from compitum… …
compital — ˈkämpəd.əl adjective Etymology: Latin compitalis of crossroads, from compitum crossroads + alis al; akin to Latin competere to come together more at compete 1. of a leaf vein : intersecting at a broad angle 2. of a fern : having the sori borne at … Useful english dictionary
Compitalia — Procession of the Compitalia, drawing from a fragment of bas relief in the former Lateran Museum In ancient Roman religion, the Compitalia (Latin: Ludi Compitalicii) was a festival celebrated once a year in honor of the … Wikipedia
com|pi|tal — «KOM puh tuhl», adjective. 1. Botany. a) (of veins of leaves) intersecting at various angles. b) (of the sori of ferns) situated at the point of junction of two veins. 2. of or having to do with the crossroads in ancient Rome, where shrines of… … Useful english dictionary