- gallacetophenone
A yellowish-brown trioxyacetophenone powder with parasiticide and antiseptic qualities employed externally in the treatment of psoriasis and other skin diseases.
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
gallacetophenone — gall·acetophenone … English syllables
gallacetophenone — (|)gal, (|)gȯl + noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary gall + acet + phenyl + one; probably originally formed as German gallazetophenon : a yellow crystalline compound C6H3(OH)3COCH3 formerly used as a mordant dye and also locally… … Useful english dictionary
C8H8O4 — Cette page répertorie différents isomères, c’est à dire les molécules qui partagent la même formule brute. C8H8 … Wikipédia en Français
alizarine yellow — noun Usage: often capitalized A&Y : any of various mordant dyes not related chemically to alizarin but applicable by similar methods: as a. : a monoazo dye made by coupling diazotized m nitroaniline with salicylic acid called also Alizarine… … Useful english dictionary
Alizarine Yellow C — I. noun see alizarine yellow II. noun see gallacetophenone … Useful english dictionary