- avidity
to eat with avidity
Come, walk up, and purchase with avidity,Overcome your diffidence and natural timidity.
Wikipedia foundation.
to eat with avidity
Come, walk up, and purchase with avidity,Overcome your diffidence and natural timidity.
Wikipedia foundation.
Avidity — A*vid i*ty, n. [L. aviditas, fr. avidus: cf. F. avidit[ e]. See {Avid}.] Greediness; strong appetite; eagerness; intenseness of desire; as, to eat with avidity. [1913 Webster] His books were received and read with avidity. Milward. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
avidity — (n.) mid 15c., eagerness, zeal, from O.Fr. avidite avidity, greed, from L. aviditatem (nom. aviditas) eagerness, avidity, noun of quality from avidus (see AVID (Cf. avid)) … Etymology dictionary
avidity — index desire, greed, passion Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Avidity — In proteins, avidity is a term use to describe the combined strength of multiple bond interactions. Avidity is distinct from affinity, which is a term used to describe the strength of a single bond. As such, avidity is the combined synergistic… … Wikipedia
avidity — The binding strength of an antibody for an antigen. [L. avidus, greedy, eager fr. aveo, to crave] * * * avid·i·ty (ə vidґĭ te) 1. the strength of an acid or a base. 2. the strength of binding between antibody and a complex antigen.… … Medical dictionary
avidity — avid ► ADJECTIVE ▪ keenly interested or enthusiastic. DERIVATIVES avidity noun avidly adverb. ORIGIN Latin avidus, from avere crave … English terms dictionary
avidity — noun (plural ities) Date: 15th century 1. the quality or state of being avid: a. keen eagerness b. consuming greed 2. affinity 2b(2) … New Collegiate Dictionary
avidity — the frequency of fishing activity, e.g. the number of days on which fishing trips were made … Dictionary of ichthyology
avidity — Strength of binding, usually of a small molecule with multiple binding sites by a larger; particularly the binding of a complex antigen by an antibody. (Affinityrefers to simple receptor ligand systems.) … Dictionary of molecular biology
avidity — /euh vid i tee/, n. 1. eagerness; greediness. 2. enthusiasm or dedication. [1400 50; late ME avidite < MF < L aviditas. See AVID, ITY] * * * … Universalium