brocading — bro·cade || brəʊ keɪd n. heavy silk fabric decorated with a raised pattern v. weave a raised pattern into a fabric, ornament with a raised design (of fabric) … English contemporary dictionary
Saga Nishiki — nihongo|Saga Nishiki|佐賀錦| Saga nishiki is a form of brocading from Saga prefecture, Japan. It is a unique form of brocading in that Japanese paper is used as the warp. This paper is coated in either gold, silver or lacquer. The weft is a silk… … Wikipedia
textile — /teks tuyl, til/, n. 1. any cloth or goods produced by weaving, knitting, or felting. 2. a material, as a fiber or yarn, used in or suitable for weaving: Glass can be used as a textile. adj. 3. woven or capable of being woven: textile fabrics. 4 … Universalium
cicim — ▪ rug also spelled jijim a ruglike spread or hanging handmade in Anatolia, composed of variously coloured strips woven in ordinary cloth weave on a narrow loom and sewn together. The patterns are usually provided by brocading while on the… … Universalium
Loom — For other uses, see Loom (disambiguation). Draper power loom in Lowell, Massachusetts … Wikipedia
Damask — For other uses, see Damask (disambiguation). Italian silk polychrome damasks, 14th century. Damask (Arabic: دمسق) is a reversible figured fabric of silk, wool, linen, cotton, or synthetic fibers, with a pattern formed by … Wikipedia
Brocade — is a class of richly decorative shuttle woven fabrics, often made in colored silks and with or without gold and silver threads. The name, related to the same root as the word broccoli comes from Italian broccato meaning embossed cloth, originally … Wikipedia
brocade — /broh kayd /, n., v., brocaded, brocading. n. 1. fabric woven with an elaborate design, esp. one having a raised overall pattern. v.t. 2. to weave with a raised design or figure. [1555 65; earlier brocado < Sp < It broccato embossed (fabric), ptp … Universalium
South Asian arts — Literary, performing, and visual arts of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. Myths of the popular gods, Vishnu and Shiva, in the Puranas (ancient tales) and the Mahabharata and Ramayana epics, supply material for representational and… … Universalium
Baluchi rug — Baluchi also spelled Baloochi or Balochi floor covering woven by the Baloch people living in Afghanistan and eastern Iran. The patterns in these rugs are highly varied, many consisting of repeated motifs, diagonally arranged across the field … Universalium