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cabbing — present part of cab … Useful english dictionary
cab — I. noun Etymology: Hebrew qabh Date: 1535 an ancient Hebrew unit of capacity equal to about two quarts (2.2 liters) II. noun Etymology: short for cabriolet Date: 1826 1. a. (1) cabriolet … New Collegiate Dictionary
List of buildings in EastEnders — This is a list of buildings, shops and businesses seen and referred to in the BBC soap opera EastEnders , most of which are located in the fictional London borough of Walford. For a list of the houses in the programme, see list of residences in… … Wikipedia
cab — cab1 /kab/, n., v., cabbed, cabbing. n. 1. a taxicab. 2. any of various horse drawn vehicles, as a hansom or brougham, esp. one for public hire. 3. the covered or enclosed part of a locomotive, truck, crane, etc., where the operator sits. 4. the… … Universalium
cab — cab1 [kab] n. [< CABRIOLET] 1. a horse drawn carriage, esp. one for public hire 2. TAXICAB 3. the part of a locomotive, motor truck, crane, etc. in which the operator sits vi. cabbed, cabbing Informal … English World dictionary