- fat tail
a) The relatively high probability of a relatively extreme outcome.b) A tail of a probability distribution with significantly higher kurtosis than a normal distribution (which has kurtosis = 0).
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Fat tail — A fat tail is a property of some probability distributions (alternatively referred to as heavy tailed distributions) exhibiting extremely large kurtosis particularly relative to the ubiquitous normal which itself is an example of an exceptionally … Wikipedia
fat tail — Informal descriptive term used to describe the portions of a probability distribution that have a larger than normal number of values that are far from the mean. The formal name is kurtosis. American Banker Glossary … Financial and business terms
Tail (disambiguation) — Tail describes the rear portion of an animal s body, especially as a flexible appendage.Tail may also refer to: * Tail (Unix), a Unix program used to display the last few lines of a file * Tails (Lisa Loeb album), a 1994 album by Lisa Loeb * Tail … Wikipedia
Fat-tailed — may refer to:In mammalogy:* Dwarf Fat tailed Mouse Opossum, opossum species from South America * Fat tailed Dunnart, species of mouse like marsupial of the Dasyuridae family * Fat tailed False Antechinus, member of the Dasyuromorphia order * Fat… … Wikipedia
fat-tailed — adjective Having a fat tail; leptokurtic … Wiktionary
Fat-tailed dwarf lemur — Fat tailed dwarf lemur[1] Conservation status … Wikipedia
fat-tailed — fatˈ tailed adjective Having much fat in the tail, as do certain Asiatic and African sheep • • • Main Entry: ↑fat … Useful english dictionary
fat-tailed sheep — /fat tayld / one of a class of sheep with much fat along the sides of the tail bones, raised for their meat and widely distributed in southeast Europe, northern Africa, and Asia. [1835 45] * * * … Universalium
Fat-tailed Gerbil — Pachyuromys duprasi Temporal range: Recent Conservation status … Wikipedia
Fat-tailed sheep — The fat tailed sheep is a category of domestic sheep that comprise approximately 25% of the world sheep population (Davidson, 1999). Breeds of fat tailed sheep are commonly found in northern parts of Africa, the Middle and Near East, in… … Wikipedia