- great horned owl
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Wikipedia foundation.
great horned owl — Horned Horned, a. Furnished with a horn or horns; furnished with a hornlike process or appendage; as, horned cattle; having some part shaped like a horn. [1913 Webster] The horned moon with one bright star Within the nether tip. Coleridge. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
great horned owl — great′ horned′ owl′ n. orn a large, brown speckled New World owl, Bubo virginianus, having prominent ear tufts … From formal English to slang
great horned owl — n. a large, pale gray and brownish American owl (Bubo virginianus) with two prominent tufts of black feathers on its head … English World dictionary
Great Horned Owl — NOTOC Taxobox name = Great Horned Owl status = LC status system = iucn3.1 status ref = image width = 250px image caption = Great Horned Owl, Bubo virginianus pacificus regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Aves ordo = Strigiformes familia … Wikipedia
great horned owl — noun brown North American horned owl • Syn: ↑Bubo virginianus • Hypernyms: ↑horned owl * * * noun 1. : a large No. American owl (Bubo virginianus) with conspicuous ear tufts 2. : an eagle o … Useful english dictionary
great horned owl — virgininis didysis apuokas statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas atitikmenys: lot. Bubo virginianus angl. great horned owl vok. Virginiauhu, m rus. виргинский филин, m pranc. grand duc d Amérique, m ryšiai: platesnis terminas – didieji apuokai … Paukščių pavadinimų žodynas
great horned owl — a large, brown speckled owl, Bubo virginianus, common in the Western Hemisphere, having prominent ear tufts. See illus. under owl. [1670 80] * * * Horned owl species (Bubo virginianus) that ranges from Arctic tree limits south to the Strait of… … Universalium
great horned owl — noun Date: 1812 a large American owl (Bubo virginianus) with conspicuous ear tufts … New Collegiate Dictionary
South American Great Horned Owl — Taxobox name = South American Great Horned Owl status = image width = image caption = regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Aves ordo = Strigiformes familia = Strigidae genus = Bubo species = B. virginianus subspecies = B. v. nacurutu… … Wikipedia
horned owl — n. any of several owls having two projecting tufts of feathers on the head * * * Any owl of the genus Bubo (family Strigidae), with hornlike tufts of feathers, especially the great horned owl. Other horned owls, all birds of prey, are found in… … Universalium