
Resembling or characteristic of a bonnet (traditional hat).

Out on the boating lake were two bufflehead ducks, a male with a bonnetlike white patch on his dark head, and his chocolate brown female.

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  • bonnet — bonnetless, adj. bonnetlike, adj. /bon it/, n. 1. a hat, usually tying under the chin and often framing the face, formerly much worn by women but now worn mostly by children. 2. Informal. any hat worn by women. 3. Chiefly Scot. a man s or boy s… …   Universalium

  • Macaca radiata — n. An Indian macaque with a bonnetlike tuft of hair. Syn: bonnet macaque, bonnet monkey, capped macaque, crown monkey. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • covered wagon — 1. a large wagon with a high, bonnetlike canvas top, esp. such a wagon used by pioneers to transport themselves and their possessions across the North American plains during the westward migrations in the 19th century. 2. Brit. Railroads. a… …   Universalium

  • kamelaukion — /kah mee lahf kee awn/; Eng. /kam euh law kee on , kah meuh low /, n., pl. kamelaukia / kee ah/; Eng. / kee euh/, kamelaukions. Gk. Orth. Ch. a tall, black, brimless, flat topped hat, worn by the clergy of the Eastern Church. [ < MGk kamelaúkion …   Universalium

  • bonnet — bon•net [[t]ˈbɒn ɪt[/t]] n. v. net•ed, net•ing 1) clo a hat, usu. tying under the chin and often framing the face, formerly much worn by women but now worn mostly by children 2) clo inf any hat worn by women 3) scot. Scot. a man s or boy s cap 4) …   From formal English to slang

  • covered wagon — cov′ered wag′on n. trs a large wagon with a high, bonnetlike canvas top, esp. such a wagon used by pioneers to cross the North American plains in the 19th century • Etymology: 1735–45, amer …   From formal English to slang

  • bonnet monkey — noun Indian macaque with a bonnet like tuft of hair • Syn: ↑bonnet macaque, ↑capped macaque, ↑crown monkey, ↑Macaca radiata • Hypernyms: ↑macaque * * * noun or …   Useful english dictionary

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