- streptokinase
Any of a class of enzymes that catalyzes the conversion of plasminogen to plasmin and are used to dissolve blood clots
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Streptokinase — C Streptokinase C (gelb) und D (grün) mit Plasmin (blau) nach PDB … Deutsch Wikipedia
streptokinase — ● streptokinase nom féminin Enzyme sécrétée par les streptocoques des groupes A, C et G. streptokinase [stʀɛptokinɑz] n. f. ÉTYM. 1953, in Larousse; de 2. strepto , et kinase. ❖ ♦ Méd. Enzyme extraite de cultures de str … Encyclopédie Universelle
streptokinase — [strep΄təkī′nās, strep΄təkin′ās] n. [< STREPTOCOCCUS + KINASE] a proteolytic enzyme derived from certain hemolytic streptococci, used in dissolving blood clots … English World dictionary
Streptokinase — drugbox IUPAC name = Streptococci streptokinase CAS number = 9002 01 1 ATC prefix = B01 ATC suffix = AD01 ATC supplemental = ATC|B06|AA55 PubChem = DrugBank = BTD00028 chemical formula = C2100H3278N566O669S4 molecular weight = 47286.7 g/mol… … Wikipedia
Streptokinase — Strep|to|ki|na|se [↑ Strepto (2) u. ↑ Kinase] aus Streptokokken isoliertes, Plasminogen enzymartig aktivierendes Protein (MG 47 408, 415 Aminosäuren), das in der Thrombose , Embolie u. Herzinfarkttherapie zur Auflösung von Blutgerinnseln… … Universal-Lexikon
Streptokinase — СТРЕПТОКИНАЗА ( Streptokinase )*. Ферментный препарат, получаемый из культуры b гемолитического стрептококка группы С. Выпускается за рубежом под названиями Авелизин (Аwelysin) [Название препарата фирмы АWD (Аrzneimittelwerk Dresden GmbH… … Словарь медицинских препаратов
streptokinase-streptodornase — A purified mixture containing streptokinase, streptodornase, and other proteolytic enzymes; used by topical application or by injection into body cavities to remove clotted blood and fibrinous and purulent accumulations of exudate; … Medical dictionary
streptokinase — noun Date: 1944 a proteolytic enzyme produced by hemolytic streptococci that promotes the dissolution of blood clots by activating plasminogen to produce plasmin … New Collegiate Dictionary
streptokinase — Plasminogen activator released by Streptococcus pyogenes. Occurs in two forms, A and B … Dictionary of molecular biology
streptokinase — /strep toh kuy nays, nayz, kin ays, ayz/, n. Pharm. an enzyme used to dissolve blood clots. [1945 50; STREPTO + KINASE] * * * … Universalium