watch cap
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watch cap — watch′ cap n. mil a usu. dark blue, knitted woolen cap with a turned up cuff worn esp. by naval enlisted personnel • Etymology: 1885–90 … From formal English to slang
watch cap — ☆ watch cap n. a closefitting, knitted wool cap of a kind worn by sailors during cold weather … English World dictionary
watch cap — noun a knitted dark blue wool cap worn by seamen in cold or stormy weather • Hypernyms: ↑cap * * * noun : a knitted close fitting navy blue cap worn especially by enlisted men in the United States Navy in cold or stormy weather * * * 1. U.S. Navy … Useful english dictionary
watch cap — 1. U.S. Navy. a dark blue, knitted woolen cap with a turned up cuff worn by enlisted personnel on duty in cold weather. 2. any wool or woollike cap resembling this and sold commercially in various colors. [1885 90] * * * … Universalium
watch cap — noun Date: 1886 a knitted close fitting usually navy blue cap worn especially by enlisted men in the United States navy in cold or stormy weather … New Collegiate Dictionary
watch cap — wool cap that covers the head and neck … English contemporary dictionary
watch cap — noun chiefly N. Amer. a close fitting knitted cap of a kind worn by sailors in cold weather … English new terms dictionary
Cap-Saint-Jacques Nature Park — Cap Saint Jacques is the largest park in Montreal, located in the West Island at the junction of the Lake of Two Mountains and the Rivière des Prairies. Situated on a peninsula, three quarters of the park is bordered by water. 2.88 square… … Wikipedia
cap|per — «KAP uhr», noun. 1. a person or device that makes caps or fixes caps in position. 2. U.S. Slang. a) a confederate in a gambling game. b) a dummy bidder at an auction. 3. U.S. Slang. an ending or climax: »The capper comes when everyone is gathered … Useful english dictionary
Cap badge — A cap badge, also known as head badge or hat badge, is a badge worn on uniform headgear and distinguishes the wearer s nationality and/or organisation. The wearing of cap badges is a convention commonly found among military and police forces, as… … Wikipedia