cap and trade

cap and trade
A market-based approach to control pollution by providing economic incentives for achieving reductions in emissions, participating companies being assigned an emissions quota that can be traded with others if not used.

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  • Cap and Trade —   Cap and Trade is a market based policy tool for protecting human health and the environment. A cap and trade program first sets an aggressive cap, or maximum limit, on emissions. Sources covered by the program then receive authorizations to… …   Energy terms

  • cap and trade — A policy that seeks to limit pollution. Under a cap and trade program, a company gets an emissions permit for every ton of carbon dioxide that it releases. Companies that produce fewer emissions can trade their extra permits to companies that are …   Law dictionary

  • cap-and-trade — a program for managing pollution by setting upper limits for allowable emissions and issuing permits that can be traded among various sources of emissions …   Useful english dictionary

  • Cap And Trade — A regulatory system that is meant to reduce certain kinds of emissions and pollution and to provide companies with a profit incentive to reduce their pollution levels faster than their peers. Under a cap and trade program, a limit (or cap ) on… …   Investment dictionary

  • cap and trade — The basis of the carbon trading mechanism. When an authority sets a limit or cap on something ( i.e. carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions) and allows those who exceed the limit to buy credits from those who have credits to spare. Exchange Handbook… …   Financial and business terms

  • Cap and Trade — Der Emissionsrechtehandel oder auch Handel mit Emissionszertifikaten ist ein Instrument der Umweltpolitik mit dem Ziel, Schadstoffemissionen mit möglichst geringen volkswirtschaftlichen Kosten zu verringern. In der Europäischen Union wurde der EU …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • cap-and-trade — /kæp ən ˈtreɪd/ (say kap uhn trayd) adjective of or relating to an emissions trading scheme in which a cap is set for allowable emissions in a particular area, and individual emitters are given their allocation of emission permits which they can… …  

  • cap-and-trade — The basis of the carbon trading mechanism. When an authority sets a limit or cap on something ( i.e. carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions) and allows those who exceed the limit to buy credits from those who have credits to spare. Exchange Handbook… …   Financial and business terms

  • Sign and trade — A sign and trade agreement is a type of contract allowed in the NBA collective bargaining agreement, wherein one team signs a player to a contract and trades him to another team. This is typically done to allow the eventual acquiring team to… …   Wikipedia

  • Trade — A verbal (or electronic) transaction involving one party buying a security from another party. Once a trade is consummated, it is considered done or final. Settlement occurs 1 5 business days later. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * ▪ I …   Financial and business terms

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