victimless crime

victimless crime
An act or behavior which is prohibited by law, yet which neither directly harms nor violates the rights of any specific person, although some people may claim it harms society as a whole. This concept typically applies to adults.
See Also: consensual crime, malum prohibitum

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  • victimless crime — ☆ victimless crime [vik′təm lis ] n. a statutory crime, such as prostitution or gambling, regarded as having no clearly identifiable victim …   English World dictionary

  • Victimless crime — A victimless crime is a term used to refer to actions that have been ruled illegal but do not directly violate or threaten the rights of another individual. It often involves consensual acts in which two or more persons agree to commit a criminal …   Wikipedia

  • victimless crime — An activity classified as a crime in the laws of a country, which may therefore be prosecuted by the police or other public authorities, but which appears to have no victim in that there is no individual person who could bring a case for civil… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • victimless crime — noun an act that is legally a crime but that seem to have no victims he considers prostitution to be a victimless crime • Hypernyms: ↑crime, ↑offense, ↑criminal offense, ↑criminal offence, ↑offence, ↑law breaking …   Useful english dictionary

  • victimless crime — vic′tim•less crime′ [[t]ˈvɪk təm lɪs[/t]] n. law a legal offense, as prostitution or gambling, to which participating parties have consented • Etymology: 1960–65 …   From formal English to slang

  • victimless crime — a legal offense, as prostitution or gambling, to which all participating parties have consented. [1960 65] * * * …   Universalium

  • victimless crime — /vɪktəmləs ˈkraɪm/ (say viktuhmluhs kruym) noun behaviour which has been made illegal because it offends against the mores of a society even though it involves no threat to the property or person of another, as drunkenness, vagrancy,… …  

  • victimless crimes — Crime where there is no apparent victim and no apparent pain or injury. This class of crime usually involves only consenting adults in activities such as prostitution, sodomy, and gambling where the acts are not public, no one is harmed, and no… …   Law dictionary

  • crime — / krīm/ n [Middle French, from Latin crimen fault, accusation, crime] 1: conduct that is prohibited and has a specific punishment (as incarceration or fine) prescribed by public law compare delict, tort 2: an offense against public law …   Law dictionary

  • Crime — Criminal redirects here. For other uses, see Crime (disambiguation). Justice and Divine Vengeance in pursuit of Crime  1808 oil on canvas …   Wikipedia

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